
Friday, February 15, 2013

Philippians 4:8

To notice something lovely, to think about it, savor it, dwell on it, 
is contrary to the soulish or fleshly way of thinking.
It seems to be our nature to dwell on the negative things that bother us instead, such as,
our worries, our fears, or whatever is currently annoying or upsetting us.
Three years of daily recording the blessings of God that I find all around me in my daily life 
is helping me to conquer that old habit of ruminating about the negative.
It's helping me to dwell on the lovely things instead.

Still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. You are so right. I have recently become aware of how much influence I let Satan have over my thinking. When I realize it is him just lying to me to get me down and make a solid choice to choose what I will think about and make sure that it is Gods approved thinking then I can get victory.

    1. Your are so right! Choosing to think God's way is the key to victory!

  2. Beautiful scripture and photo!! I try to remember this daily :) I think it's just wonderful that you focus daily on the blessings and not the negatives of life. That's an excellent reminder to count blessings and not burdens :) Have a wonderful day!!

  3. Soft pastels and petals. Captivating and certainly lovely.

  4. I'm just starting to learn that too as a friend gave me One Thousand Gifts (Ann Voskamp). I started my notebook a few days ago and it totally transforms your thinking when you focused on the tremendous blessings we receive daily. I'm thankful for your wonderful blog post and picture!

    Hugs ~ Mary

  5. Lovely reflection Elizabeth. Ann has truly had a huge impact on so many people to see differently. I'm so thankful.

  6. Dwelling on the blessings that our Lord gives us on a daily basis is such a wonderful thing to do. It really helps us to see just how blessed we really are.

    Three years of focusing on this!! That's awesome.


  7. Elizabeth, beautiful photo and as many times as I read and reflect on this scripture and principle, it always rings true and stirs something in me. Thanks so much!

  8. It's so true that when we focus on the blessings around us, our eyes are opened to truly see all that we have. It totally changes my perspective.

  9. Dear Elizabeth
    Coming via Barbie's. I have found that even with a chronic painful illness, I have so much to be thankful for. A wonderful hubbie who looks so well after me, medicine, children that only bring me joy, and so the list can go on and on and on... And all you wonderful bloggers!!!
    Much love

    1. I'm so sorry to hear of your illness, Mia. I pray for God's healing for you.

  10. I am making a choice today to focus on whatever is lovely, despite all of the negativity that I could focus on - Happy Sunday!

  11. Oh, I just love tulips! And such a great truth paired with it.

  12. Tulips are truly beautiful so simple and colourful.

  13. Blessing Him, focusing on HIM ... that's what counts. And it breaks through our habit of turning another way. I gotta concentrate!!

    Lovely photo, as usual, Elizabeth.

  14. Beautiful ... love the picture and the words.


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