
Friday, February 22, 2013

Psalm 84:6...

This verse has meant a great deal to me through the years.
In our late twenties, with three little daughters at home, 
we felt God tell us to leave the wonderful church where we had been youth pastors for five years.
They loved us and we loved them.
They took good care of us.
There was no earthly reason to go, yet we felt it was time.
So, we resigned and packed up and moved.
 But for four months no other doors opened for us.
We ended up having to stay with family.
We wondered if we had made the biggest mistake of our lives.
That's the first time I remember really noticing this verse.
The valley of Baca is also known as the valley of weeping.
When you walk through the valley of weeping,
you dig a well and wait expectantly for God to send rain.
I still have the little journal from those months in the valley.
We dug and we waited.
We saw God send the rain of miraculous provision.
Looking back, those four months are full of precious memories of God's blessings raining down on us.
A door to pastor a church of our own eventually opened.
But, there have been other valleys since that time.
Deeper valleys, longer valleys, more painful valleys.
Yet, I never read this verse without remembering the first time it became real to me.
The lessons I learned then have sustained me time and again.

Still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. I can almost hear the gentle rain falling here, refreshing with His love...

  2. Love Psalms 84... one of my favorites. What you shared here is so rich -- He is so good to us!

  3. First, that's a gorgeous photo.

    Second, I don't think I've ever heard that verse personalized. I love how you've done that. It has more meaning to me now, too.

  4. We have such sweet memories of God's provision in that valley, too, my friend. He was so faithful - and He remains the same today!

  5. Love it, we don't often know why, we just know we have to obey.

  6. Dear Elizabeth
    Yes, those valleys of weeping is the most fertile ground for growth into the Life of our sweet Lord Jesus. And also to learn to trust in Him when there is just darkness around us. What joy to live in Him! Over via Sandy. Lovely weekend to you, dear one!
    Much love

  7. Well, you just made me turn my heart towards valleys [a little] rather than avoiding them ever and ever. I LOVE scenic valleys; not so enthusiastic about the spiritual ones. I KNOW God is Bigger, but putting my fear aside is sometimes a bit [a BIT] challenging, to say the least.

    Thanks for the input, Elizabeth. It's appreciated.

  8. Love this Elizabeth and like you, we have such fond memories of those early years in ministry. They were some of the most difficult, yet the most treasured.

  9. From the valley of weeping we go from strength to strength, placing our trust in God, keeping our eyes firmly fixed on the author and finisher of our faith and constantly reminding ourselves that in quietness and rest is our strength.:)

  10. thank you for the hard won reminder that from the bitterness of the valley, sweet mercies can flow ...


  11. Thank you for this. My husband and I are just getting out of a long difficult journey that only God's words of life could get us though!! You are a wonderful example of sharing The Lord. Thanks for your comment on my blog today!
    Blessings to you Elizabeth,

  12. As we are passing through, HE quenches our thirst. Thanks for this reminder.

  13. So encouraging...remembering His faithfulness in the past will always keep us moving forward.

  14. I read this passage about once a month and I almost never fail to tear up at its meaning here. The beauty of the passage is almost more than my heart can embrace and you have certainly captured it here with this photograph.

    Lovely, just lovely dear Elizabeth--


  15. Beautiful, the growth and abundance that comes after a season of drought!

  16. This post spoke deeply to my heart. The Lord provides nourishment ar the perfect ... His perfect ... time. Blessed be His Name.


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