
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Speaking Mama's love My Freshly Brewed Life today

It was a frustration to me growing up,
the fact that Mama and I spoke two different love languages.
My love language is primarily words of affirmation.
Spoken words are great, but write the words out for me to savor, and I'm in heaven!
Mama's love langage was acts of service.
She cooked, cleaned and stitched her love for us....

(to read the rest of this post,
 I'd love you to click over to My Freshly Brewed Life
where I'm honored to be Barbie's guest blogger today.)

Still following,


  1. Funny you should post about this...I've just been giving thoughts to love languages lately. Read the book years ago when it came out but I saw Oprah talking about it and it reminded me of how different we all are. I've been thinking about my husband and kids and trying to cover the love language bases. :)

  2. Elizabeth so blessed to havae found you via Dianne "the pages of my life". I read your full story over at "my freshly brewed life". I can so relate...We all love to hear those "words of love" but those little expressions of love, through a meal, in our home, well, that is the motherly loving part of us.. We have so much in common.. I am a Pastor's wife(he is now a chaplain with the Federal prisons) three daughters..5 grands...who call me Nana and our love for the Lord! I am following along with you. Stop by and visit and follow along with me... we have much in common. So glad I found you. Blessings!

  3. Just read the whole piece over at the other place. How well you spoke MY language with this one. I'm just like you with words of affirmation, and just like your mom, the Duchess is an act of service person.

    And just like you, I find that I'm growing more like her every day. I wonder if it comes with the territory of being a mom and homemaker?

  4. This was beautiful and it so touched my heart!! Thank you for sharing with us. XXOO


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