
Sunday, March 10, 2013

A taste of heaven...

It was so lovely on Friday and Saturday that it seemed like a taste of summer
before spring has even officially arrived.

There are days here on earth when it seems like a taste of heaven
 before I've even left this life.

Today I woke up to gray skies and rain sprinkles,
(a more typical March day in Portland),
and yet God's love warms me,
His arms hold me,
and it seems like a taste of heaven,
no matter the weather.
In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)

#2870- #2897

-spring cleaning done!
-afternoon sun
-reading You Are Special by Max Lucado and singing worship songs with my granddaughter

-braiding my granddaughter's long blonde hair
-using my gift certificate from one of my best buddies
-a yummy hamburger for dinner
-snuggled in my warm bed on this cold evening, working on my Bible study, sipping hot tea

-starting a new She Reads Truth devotional plan
-dinner at Chipotle with youngest daughter
-God's help to write a blog post

-sunlight streaming in the windows

-a great run this morning
- a little visit with our neighbor, an older gentleman, who loves God and knows everyone in the neighborhood and who is known for his kindness and friendliness

-an almost cloudless, sunny, March Friday
-trying a new Thai place for lunch, 
(delicious and a joy to find that the owners are believers judging by the chalkboard on the wall there)

-devotions outdoors

-two oldest grandkid's Spring Program at their new school
-the aunties and our two youngest granddaughters coming to the program
 and the little one trying to join in the singing

-Saturday chores done early so I can enjoy this lovely day
-going to the Catholic grotto here in our city and, though I'm not Catholic, 
walking through the stations of the cross and thanking Jesus for willingly laying down His life for me
-bright spring colored toenail polish

-the Hubs taking the grandkids to Fort Vancouver
-meeting up with them by the river
-enjoying my run and devotions there by the river

-the most relaxing Saturday in a long time

-wonderful worship
-the message from Colossians
-watching Les Miserable, (the one with Liam Neeson), and sharing a bowl of popcorn with the Hubs

Gratefully yours,


  1. Love the photos of our sunshine-y days. Looking forward to seeing you soon and chatting about all the good gifts from the Father.

  2. those fabulous toes let me know that you're ready to go, girl! they are crying out, 'spring is HERE!!'


  3. Elizabeth,

    Hi, I'm hopping over from Ann's link up to count gifts with you. Nice to meet you!

    I was grinning as I scanned these gifts with you... mm, spring sunshine, daffodils in the window, Thai lunch out, discovery of fellow believers, Bible studying time done here and there, children, grandchildren...

    Have a great day,

    Jennifer Dougan

  4. Rejoicing with you about your "taste of heaven."

    It is there and documented and is so beautiful, inspiring, uplifting and encouraging.

  5. Elizabeth, had to chuckle when you said you went to the grotto to do the stations of the cross, even though you were not Catholic. I am Catholic and we do the stations of the cross every Friday. Remember, Jesus is the same whether you are Catholic or not...He suffered and died for you and for me regardless of our faith affiliation.
    I do the gratitude journal also. It has opened a new awareness for me as to the many gifts I am given each and every day. Yes, it looks like a taste of Heaven over where you live!

  6. I love your lists--this one, so full of joy and spring, blessed me.


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