
Monday, March 11, 2013

Banana cake with cream cheese frosting...

I had a good sized Tupperware filled with leftover cream cheese frosting from this cake.
I also had 6 or 7 "well past their prime" bananas.
So, I decided to make a banana cake.

I looked up a few recipes on-line and, taking some general ideas from a few, 
ended up doing my own thing.
My recipe made 24 cupcakes and an 8x8 pan because I had so many bananas to use.
{A loaf pan would work instead of an 8x8 if that's what you prefer.}

When I took the cupcakes out of the oven, I thought I had blown it and used too much butter.
The cupcake papers felt greasy.
Since the Hubs is off sugar and I'd like to lose 10 lbs. my plan was to freeze what I baked and pull them out when the family comes over for dinner or share them at Bible study.
But, when the cupcake papers felt greasy, I decided to taste one before posting this recipe
 so I could tell you if you should decrease the amount of butter.
I took one bite.
Banana-y, butter-y heaven!
{I made myself throw the rest of the cupcake I tasted away so I wouldn't eat the whole thing,
 but I sure wanted to!}

Here's the recipe:

Mash 6-7 overripe bananas.
In mixer bowl beat the following until creamed together:
1 cup butter
4 eggs
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup Greek yogurt (I used fat free because that's what I had)
2 teaspoons vanilla

Add mashed bananas and combine.

Whisk dry ingredients together to remove lumps:
4 cups flour
 {I used 3 cups cake flour, because it's been in the pantry awhile and I wanted to use it up,
 and 1 cup all purpose flour}
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt

Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix approx. 2 minutes.

Preheat oven to 350.
Bake cupcakes for about 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Pan spray an 8x8 pan or a loaf pan.
Bake approximately 25 minutes.

When cool frost with cream cheese frosting.
Recipe for frosting found here.


Still following,



  1. mmmm ... anything with icing ... yum!


  2. I won't even try it now, since I want to lose only 4 pounds! I'm one of those who cannot lose weight when I try....truly! Daily exercise, calorie control---no positive results. I'll print the recipe and store it with some other yummy-sounding ones I've found.

    1. It's our age...I used to be able to lose weight so easily, but once menopause came, well, it seems glued on!

  3. They look wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. I rarely bake anymore because we are both needing to lose a few pounds and that is not the way to do it, but those look wonderful.

    1. I love to bake, so if we can't eat it, then I bake for company or to give away!

  5. These look delicious! You're blog is very nice! I'm a Christian too and have a blog. It's about baking and missions, 2 of my passions in life!


  6. I meant to say I found your blog thru Wow Us Wednesdays!

  7. I just make the cake and it is wonderful. And the icing is to die for. Thanks for the recipe.

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