
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Mama had the flu, so little blonde, blue-eyed, recently turned four year old granddaughter spent the night at Nana's.
I laid down next to her when it was bedtime and we read You Are Special by Max Lucado.
It's all about the Wemmicks, wooden people carved by the Master Woodcarver, Eli.
The Wemmicks, they give each other gray dots or gold stars, 
their identity found in how others label them.
Except for one Wemmick.
 No labels would stick on her.
Every day she spent time with the Master Woodcarver who told her who she really was.
She was His, 
created by Him,
 loved by Him
and that's the only label that really mattered.
I've worn many labels through the years,
pastor's wife,
and most every one of those labels I've worn proudly.
But the one that's the most me,
that's me right down to the core of who I am, 
I don't know how it happened,
because I know that struggling to believe God's love for you is so common,
but somehow,
this little girl from a broken home,
this teenager that did her fair share of messing up,
this young wife and mama who made it through the day by grace alone,
this middle age woman who fought a two year battle with depression,
this 55 year old woman clickity-clacking away at this keyboard,
grew up with a deeply rooted awareness of God's love for her.
I am His beloved one.
I am accepted by Him.
He likes me.
I make Him smile.
Lots of times, I make Him laugh.
{I know this because He's the One Who gave me my ridiculously quirky sense of humor.}
When hard times have come, 
hurtful things have happened to me that I didn't deserve,
the enemy tries to whisper that I've believed a lie.
But I will not be shaken.
I will not be moved.
I will breath my last breath on this earth knowing that I am loved beyond measure.
In this knowledge, I know I am richly blessed.
I know it's a struggle for so many to believe and receive God's love.
I know I did nothing to earn or deserve His love.
It's simply that
I am His,
created by Him,
loved by Him
and so are you.
 So   Are   You.
And that's the only label that really matters.
Believe it.

Still following,


  1. Such a blessing that you've known that through the ups and downs of life. I went through a terrible time of suffering for 13 years and truly began to doubt his love for me. I've come out on the other end, aware that so many layers of yuck needed to be peeled off me, and that it was actually his love allowing this. Thanks for sharing this today, it blesses and encourages me.


  2. Beautiful! Thanks for this, Elizabeth!!!

  3. Elizabeth, how this ministers to me. To know that I'm His beloved... what an intimate word! Thanks for sharing that about your past. It's a faith builder to see who are you are now after God has brought you through so much!
    Also I love that book, too! His children's books always bless me. :)

  4. I so enjoyed this post. YES it is good that we are all the roles that we have played in our lives but the most important is 'Beloved'... BE Loved Him... the only one who can heal and save us.

  5. I am so glad that I "stumbled upon" your blog. That's how I feel most of the time. I am my Beloved's and He is mine. Nothing like it!! Thank you so much for sharing your heart always!! Blessings, Diane

  6. What an awesome inspiration! Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I LOVE the "You are Special" book, and I love how you've made it so personal for you. Thanks! Michelle

  7. Amen to this beautiful post. We have that same book. I just love the insights that God has given with Max Lucado. He is used of God in a mighty way so often.

  8. I love that, "we are His beloved"! How blessed we truly are...I love that you wrote, "sometiimes I make him laugh". Just love that.. I am so sure our heavenly Father smiles and yes sometimes has to laugh...That is a great book to be reading to your young one... Many older ladies need that reminder too as you have done. Thanks ELizabeth...a very beautiful and heartfelt post. Blessings!

  9. I have this book and read it to my grandchildren too, Elizabeth. The youngest one is still a little bewildered about all the grey dots. :) This was a beautiful post. So much of what you said (including our age) I relate to. Thank you...God bless your day!

  10. I love this post, Elizabeth--you are such a talented and inspiring writer--It's amazing how God comes through for you every week with something to really inspire us. Thank you sweet friend.

  11. I'm hoping many from imperfect prose wandered over here this week to read your words. So many there are hurting. So many need to wear the label Beloved. I need to wear it.


  12. Hi Elizabeth. I remember Mike Bickle talking about how simply being enjoyed by God is sometimes hard for so many to grasp. It's a simple, yet profound message. Nice to know He thinks I'm awesome. :-)

  13. What a beautiful post, an encouraging blessing. Joy comes in the morning.

  14. yes. the one label that covers all others. remains after the others have faded, torn, worn thin. that one remains.

  15. oh friend. i love that last line. "believe it." yes. let's just believe it. i'm reading "Abba's Child" by Brennan Manning and it's a brilliant look at what it means to be God's beloved. love this, and you.


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