
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Blossoms in the rain...

Spring has been playing hide and seek.
First, it's almost summer-like, then, POOF, it's gone!
Then we're back to gray skies and rain and cuddling under warm quilts at night.
It's here! Now it's not.  It's here!  Now it's not.
Sun, rain, sun, rain, hail, sun, rain.

It was on one of those gray, rainy days last week that I looked and, to my surprise, 
the trees up and down our street had blossomed!

I nipped a few small branches and brought them inside to chase the gloomies away that had crept into,
not only the weather, but me.
And low and behold if those blossoms didn't preach me a sermon...

 When something new is on the horizon, a new season is about to come in your life, 
and life is so sunshine-y with hope and promise that you can almost grasp it, 
then, POOF, hurt and disappointment comes and suddenly life feels all gray and winter-y,
 you can begin to doubt that a new season is ever going to come.

Sometimes, it's on one of those grayest and rainiest and gloomiest sort of days,
that you look and realize,  in the midst of it all, you've blossomed!

Gloomy, gray skies and rain nonetheless, life is flowing inside that tree
 and eventually that life produces blossoms.

You may feel like your new season went flying out the window with your latest bout of adversity.
But, inside of you something life-giving has been set in motion by the One Who gave you life.
And the same Voice that said "Let there be light!" and there was, is saying,
"Grow!  Grow and Blossom and Thrive!"

And you will, when you least expect it, you will.
On those summer-like days, turn your face to the sun and soak it in.
And on those gray, rainy days, sink your roots down deep and slurp up that rain.
And, grow, grow and blossom and thrive.

Still following,



  1. I'm loving the whole springtime theme, Elizabeth ... even if it is snowing in NY's Hudson Valley today! I'm thinking spring, writing spring, looking ahead toward spring, no matter what the Weather Channel reports!


    1. You're a New Yorker! Yes, I've heard you're having more bad weather. Ours is just rainy this week, but we haven't had any snow this year, except a very light dusting, in Portland, Oregon.

  2. Beautiful new blossoms and wonderful reminders that encouraged me today!
    Mary Alice

    1. I'm so glad that you were encouraged. That makes my heart very happy.

  3. Beautiful Truths!

    The blossoms are so very pretty and do bring such a nice bit of cheer.

    Blessings to you, Amy

  4. Such a pretty sight to welcome spring.

    1. I know! I just hope the rain doesn't wash the blossoms right off the trees!

  5. The same weather here ...
    Beautiful post with pretty blossoms !
    Have a nice week,

    1. Thank you, Sylvia! I think the first day of spring is bringing more rain for us. How about you?

  6. So pretty - love it! Thanks for sharing!

  7. We have these trees but I don't know what kind they are. Do you? Would love to know.

    I don't have any blooming in my yard but there are some close by--sure wish I could snip a few branches off them but guess I'd rather have a good relationship with neighbors.

    I love your little egg and the homemade preserves pottery--just the perfect touch for the blossoms!

    1. Aren't they an ornamental pear? Of course you are asking the person who is horticulturally illiterate. :)

  8. I love your vignette, and those saucers as art! Fabulous!

    1. Thank you, Revi. I've had my saucer art up for quite some time, and was just today thinking of putting two small shelves you have me wondering if I should leave well enough alone.

  9. Good words. Nature has so much to teach us. I love all your beautiful photos. So many lovely things arranged so beautifully. Thanks so much for your cheery message!

  10. I enjoyed reading this beautiful, spiritual post, Elizabeth. Your photos are delicate and in a way just as optimistic as your words. I would love to thank you for your loyalty to my blog.

    1. Thank you, Sylvia. I'm humbled by such praise from someone like you. Your photography is art and I admire your work so much.

  11. "On those summer-like days, turn your face to the sun and soak it in. And on those gray, rainy days, sink your roots down deep and slurp up that rain. And, grow, grow and blossom and thrive." Oh friend, this was amazing. So beautiful!

    1. During your long gray season, do you see what we all see, all of us who read your blog? You're blossoming friend.

  12. Thank you for the beauty you've shared here. I've been struggling to bloom where I'm planted. My heart seems to long to be transplanted and then He sends words - through my pastor and through you, dear friend, to remind me that I am right where HE has planted me. And I am content!

  13. Thanks for sharing. I wish we had rain. Instead we get snow, and more snow. Today is the first day of Spring and it is snowing, AGAIN. I am so winter weary. The only signs of spring is that the birds are singing....soon and very soon....
    Thanks for the spiritual messages, Elizabeth. I want to blossom and bloom and am trying my best. I am studying the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius and I feel as if God is leading me to a new and exciting time in my life!

  14. Besides being incredibly beautiful, your post today just made tears well up in me. I needed to see/hear the sweetness found in following Jesus today and this wonderful picture of how He makes His presence known even in the gloomiest of days. Souls. Hearts.

    Your blog is delightful!

  15. Awe, spring is definitely in the air! A time of renewal and hope and yes, as you say, growth. A beautiful picture of Christ!

    Visiting from Imperfect Prose.

  16. What a wonderful analogy, Elizabeth; thank you.

  17. I know what you mean. When things are going well and breakthroughs are happening it's seems incredible. It's like when morning starts coming, is it really daylight?
    We just have to praise Him whatever circumstances come, good or bad.
    Btw, I'm enjoying the rain. So delightfully melancholy. :-)

  18. Hello, Elizabeth

    I just stumbled upon you beautiful blog.
    Your blog is full of loveliness. Thank you for sharing such beautiful things.

    Wishing you a blessed day.
    Your new follower, Angela

  19. It is a pleasure to come by for a springy visit with so much snow outside my window!


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