
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter thanks...

When you have a cloudless Easter weekend,
 it's easy to give thanks.
When the only two year old church, planted by my son-in-law and daughter out of our church, 
hosts an Easter event for southeast Portland that draws over 3000 people, 
it's easy to give thanks.

When churches are full and people receive Christ as Savior, 
it's easy to give thanks.
When family and friends gather for Easter dinner and the house is full to overflowing and there's more than enough food, 
it's easy to give thanks.
When the meal is over, the company all leaves and the dishes are all washed and put away, 
it's easy to give thanks.
Some days, weeks, months, years,
 the gratitude has to come from a place much deeper than my circumstances.
But right now, on this Easter Sunday evening, 
the thanksgiving flows easily.
In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-the Hubs getting a problem with his driver's license renewal not coming in the mail all ironed out
-muscle spasms in lower back getting better
-our electric bill went down!

-our firstborn daughter-it's her birthday!
-back much better!
-thank You, Jesus, that you drank the cup of God's wrath for me

-Jesus blood that washes away my sin
-lunch with my friend
-running again after not being able to due to back pain
-watching the movie Lincoln with the Hubs

-thank You God for Your steadfast love, grace, mercy and strength when I am weak
-thank You for Your provision for us
-thank You for more people joining us for prayer and worship

-the river

-Good Friday, thank You that You died that I might live

-Code Orange Easter a HUGE success
-gorgeous, cloudless, warm day
-making preparations for Easter Sunday

-Jesus is alive and making intercession for me right now!
-lots of people touched by Code Orange Easter showing up for church
-a full house of family and friends for Easter dinner

-help with the dishes afterwards
-a nice evening run 
-a relaxing evening after a busy weekend

Gratefully yours,


  1. Precious photos! I'm anxious for all the green I see in your photos. It's all still dingy brown where we live, but spring is in the air! It looks like you had a very blessed Easter. ~Theresa

    1. Thanks Theresa! Portland, Oregon is green, but it's because we get lots of rain! :)

  2. You have me on cloud nine just reading your post--oh happy day!!!!!!!!!!

  3. That was on the news, and also AM northwest show, your helicopter egg drop.

    1. I didn't get to see any of the news coverage. I'm so proud of my son-in-law and daughter and their team of volunteers and oh, so grateful to God!

  4. Wasn't it a gorgeous weekend to celebration the Resurrection? I loved seeing the celebration your family enjoyed and the ministry behind it all. Gratitude flows for His love - and His Life!

    1. It was the most beautiful weekend! I'm so grateful for all God is doing!

  5. Code Orange Easter looked cool. Love me a helicopter. I'm glad your Easter was so blessed. 3000! wowza! He is Risen, my friend. He is risen, INDEED. :)

  6. Great reminder Elizabeth about our gratitude coming from a much deeper place. :) Pinned it!! :) Glad your family had a wonderful Easter and how fabulous about the 3000 attending the Easter event!! :)

  7. I'm sorry your back has been bothering you. So glad it's better. My favorite on your list? Help with the dishes. My love language is acts of service. ;)

    That event looks fabulous!

    1. It's one of those, it feels like I pulled a muscle but have no idea what I did type of thing. Yes, help with the dishes was a blessing!

  8. So glad you had a wonderful Easter. And glad you're doing better! It's such a good practice to be thankful and notice all the good happening in our lives! Thanks for all your sweet comments my way!

  9. Beautiful! It was you who actually inspired my to count my thanks and it's been so beautiful! LOVE that Code Orange Easter, way too cool!!

    1. That's awesome, Annetta! I've been counting for over three years now!

  10. Code Orange Easter! Thanking God & praying that the seed fell on "good soil" :)


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