
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Friday's shelves!

It was just Tuesday when I published a post, "Blossoms in the Rain"
that included photos of this corner of my dining room.

As is typical of me, I got an idea for a change and had to do it RIGHT NOW.
Are any of you impulsive when it comes to creativity or home projects?

The idea was to take down the framed ironstone saucers that have hung there for quite some time, (which you can see in the previous post), and hang two 24 inch shelves.

The only trouble was, I didn't see anything pre-made like I had in mind available at 
Ikea, Home Depot or Lowes.

So I just decided to make them myself.
This is another side of my creative impulsiveness.
I decide to do things that I've never done before and have no idea if I can actually do them.

But, I did it!
I found the wood I wanted at Lowes and had them cut it for me.
(At no charge!  Yay, Lowes!)
They cut the 4 ft. board in two, then cut it lengthwise so it was 10" deep instead of 12".

I bought four brackets and a package of self anchoring drywall screws that will hold up to 65 lbs. to attach the shelves to the wall.
First, I stained the boards and then applied a good coat of paste wax.
When they were dry and buffed I carefully measured where I needed to attach the brackets to the shelves.
I chose to attach the brackets one inch in from the edge of the shelves.
And then I used a drill to screw the brackets in.
I - used - a - drill!!!

The trickest part was making sure the shelves were centered on the wall, level 
and spaced apart from each other the way I planned for them to be.
I decided that the bottom shelf should be 14 inches above the dish cabinet 
and the top shelf 12 inches above that.
Using a level and a yard stick, I did it!

  I'm lovin' it!

I know what I did isn't rocket science, but it feels good to have an idea, try it out and like the results.
(P.S. My husband was "surprised" at what I had done when he got home from the office,
but he liked it and said I did a good job.)

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

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Adorned From Above

Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Love your new shelves! I have been considering adding some in my kitchen. I picked out a bracket from Home Depot but our nearest HD is over an hour away so I'm not sure when I'll get them. :/ I like the style you chose. How fun to be able to accessorize them with pretty things. :)

  2. You did a fantastic job of them Elizabeth! I love the brackets you've used too...attractive and functional.

  3. Oh my goodness, you do have the knack! beautifully styled Elizabeth!

  4. Yay for you, Elizabeth!! I'm so proud of you because I'm not sure I would have tried that myself. I find if I mention that I'm going to do something like that myself, my husband does it for me sooner than later. Would that be called manipulation??
    Mary Alice

  5. I think they look wonderful, and as I have come to expect, the whole design looks beautiful and has your signature on it. For the record, I have pinned the framed plates you replaced and tried to copy cat it. My burlap kept looking crooked on me, and I finally gave up in a hormonal fit and just framed the plates. I have never liked mine as well as your burlap backed ones.

    Now, I'll probably fail at copying your shelves, too. Grin.

  6. Liking what I am seeing here...awesome idea and charming look.


  7. Looks, beautiful, Elizabeth! Happy Friday!

  8. I'm impressed! Good for you! For the record, I looked around my kitchen and didn't found ONE empty or suitable wall. Sigh.

  9. Love the look of your open shelves, great job!
    What a great corner!


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