
Sunday, March 3, 2013

God's good plan...

For three months second born daughter and her family have stayed with us while making arrangements to relocate back to this area.
Three years ago I mourned them moving across the country for a missions internship.
It was so hard for the Hubs and me to see those grand babies that we had always lived near move so far away.
Then last year, they went to Ghana for six months, and oh, how hard that was to have our grand babies on a whole other continent.
But I didn't know...
that when they were in South Carolina we would be able to see them two or three times a year,
that when they were in Ghana, the Hubs and I would spend two weeks there with them,
that three years later they would move back here and head up ministry trips to Ghana for our church.
Sometimes, I just have to laugh at myself for ever doubting God's good plan.
They moved into their own little house this weekend...
only twenty minutes from Nana's house.

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-quiet time for Bible study
-a good run in spite of the rain

-God's in control, even when hurtful things happen
-oldest granddaughter reading Homer Price, one of my favorite books when I was her age

-discount on pods for our coffee machine and some of that good coffee in one of my favorite cups
-grocery shopping-God's daily provision
-the grandkids licking the beaters

-the Hub's 56th birthday

-working on my Precept's study on Ruth
-four year old granddaughter's tap shoes from Papa

-our family gathered around the table for the Hub's birthday dinner
-facebook birthday wishes

-God at work in ways I can't see
-my Bible study class
-our daughter's new home


-big hugs and kisses before school from the grandkids on their last day before moving into their own place
-a fun date day with the Hubs-dinner at one of our favorite middle eastern food restaurants

-a new Easter dress for 50% off
-our son-in-law's safe trip from South Carolina with the Uhaul
-finding "love notes" left behind by the grandkids

-stopping by the kid's house to drop something off and seeing the kids so excited about their new bedrooms
-a friend's new grand baby
-a healthy dinner

-God's Word
-lunch with friends
-getting something I procrastinated on done

Gratefully yours,


  1. Nice family shot Elizabeth. The colors look really good. Looks like pop is having a good time.


  2. Except for our children/grands moving closer and our Bible study being on the book of John, much of your gratitude list & the happenings in your day(s) could be mine (all of ours live in another state).

    ...and I record mine in a RED journal :)

    That "healthy meal" looks VERY inviting. I going to be all about "healthy meals" this week. I need to address 3 pounds that I've added the past few weeks -- (too many sweets and desserts).

    I know you'll have many more items to add to your journal as this week continues. God bless you and "yours", Elizabeth!

    1. You go girl! You're doing so great on your weight and health!

  3. Oh, if we could just the whole picture from His holy perspective, we would be so awed by the plans. I just know that in my heart.

    I think my favorite on your list this week HAS to be that your granddaughter read one of my favorite books. I love Homer Price too. And now, I want some doughnuts...

    So happy for you about the nearby move of your family and how God has blessed their obedience beyond measure.

    1. Homer Price was one of the books I would sneak and read with a flashlight under the covers when I was supposed to be sleeping. :)

  4. Hats off to you for getting something procrastinated done. That is always so hard to do. You inspire me, maybe I will get that thing done that I have been putting off.

  5. They moved that close?! That makes me happy.
    Happy birthday to your husband! A great week of blessings.

  6. I'm so happy for you. It's also very special for your grandchildren to have your godly influence in their lives!! God truly works in mysterious ways.
    Mary Alice

  7. Good Morning, Elizabeth ~

    I so needed to hear that gentle reminder about 'God's good plan' for our kids and grandchildren. It went straight to my heart this morning.

    You bless me, girl!


    1. I'm constantly "binding" my kiddos to God's will and timing in their lives. :)

  8. Okay, Elizabeth, that video of your granddaughter is one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life.

    And although I don't know a lot about dance, she DOES look like a natural--the smooth movement of her legs at times is reminiscent of the old Hollywood dance stars.

    I always love your lists--so proud and happy for you for all the provisions of God.

    Since I mourned with you the moving of your loved ones to S.C., I can hardly believe it has been three years. Wow!

    Have a wonderful week sweet friend.

  9. More blessings on me as I read your post, Elizabeth!

    1. That's great, Evelyn. Praying you are overwhelmed with God's blessings!

  10. So much to be thankful for! If only we could trust and leave things in God's hands without fretting and stewing! He is good - all the time. I'm so thankful your kids are settled in their new home.

    1. Me too, except I was kind of used to those grand babies here. :)

  11. Love the spontaneous lists. Counting them as they come straight from Him. Lovely to visit here always, Elizabeth, and thank you for your kind visit. So joyous to think of you seeing your grandkids often now. Let the little children come to me....and to grandparents' arms! :)

    1. Counting my blessings has been life changing!


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