
Sunday, March 17, 2013

He's trustworthy...

It was one of those weeks where I had to remind myself of my word for 2013.
It would have been easy to give in to my emotions, my feelings, my fears, my worries,
instead of going back to the Rock that never moves beneath my feet and is my sure foundation.
I spent a lot of time in the Word,
listening to worship,
and turning to God in prayer and choosing to trust Him.
And He showed Himself trustworthy, again.
I am so very thankful.

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-our son-in-law, (the one who just relocated back to the area), got a great, new job!
-perspective thinking rather than positive thinking
-texts about our silly grandkids
-talking to my good friend on the phone

-dinner simmering in the crock pot
-our two youngest granddaughters riding "Ollie"

-only grandson tossing the football with Papa

-watching the sunrise through the stair landing window
-our home-God's provision
-dear couple from church home from a trip to California, (I missed them!)


-all of those in our Kinsman Redeemer Bible study who did all their studies and came each week
-great worship and prayer night at church

-lunch with the Hubs at a place I suggested, that he's never been to before, and he loved it!
-finding oldest granddaughter an Easter dress for 60% off and only grandson an Easter shirt for a great price as well
-beautiful sunset

-roses in bloom on my kitchen windowsill
-the trees are in bloom!

-a walk around the neighborhood with the two youngest grands
-the color yellow

-fuzzy, wuzzy caterpillar

-running in the rain

-cheerful Gerbera daisies from the Hubs, brightening up a gray, rainy afternoon

-wonderful worship and great word at church
-an encouraging phone call 
-my current favorite tea

-some corned beef and cabbage from a couple at church

Gratefully yours,


  1. Your words about trust were awesome and I always, always love to hear your blessings for the week.

    I rejoice with you at son-in-law's new job--how awesome is our God!

  2. I so needed to read this today. I'm fighting terrible discouragement. Fighting not giving in to my feelings, everything you mentioned. Thank you for post.


  3. Beautiful list, and words.

    Perspective thinking, i hopped over and read it... yes! Amen! Thanks for linking to it!

  4. Elizabeth, thank you for counting your blessings. For these glimmers of beauty everywhere. For perspective and reminding me again of my 2013 word, too -- trust.

  5. It's been a hard trust week for me through thick grief... But. Thanks seems to be a way out, to giving him glory. (And I dearly love the color yellow too!)


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