
Friday, March 22, 2013

John 12:46...

I'm so thankful that I can live in the light of hope in the face of the darkness of this sin twisted world.
The news of the latest violence, the state of the economy, none of it has to send me into a tail spin anymore.
I know the end of the story.
One day, Jesus is going to make all things new.
One day He will reign on planet earth and restore it to its garden of Eden beauty and purity.
The lion and the lamb will lie down together in peace.
Children will play with wild animals like domesticated pets.
It's true!
The Bible tells us about this wonderful time to come.
I am so thankful that Jesus came to bring us light and hope and that this life isn't all that there is.

Still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Amen! God wins. What a glorious promise we can proclaim this Holy Week.
    Encouraging words, Elizabeth.

  2. I am so glad I don't have to carry around the woes of the world each day...handing them over to Jesus is far better. Days filled with light and comfort and even laughter are the delight of a Christian.

  3. Dear Elizabeth
    I remember telling my son one day on the new earth that he will be able to surf between the stars. He loves surfing!

  4. so glad to be passing through with you.

  5. Good morning, Elizabeth. I was just thinking on these very things - there's so much evil going on and growing in this world, it is definitely comforting that God's plan is going strong and the peace and comfort we do get from our relationship with Jesus. So glad I stopped by, your newest follower,

    1. Kathy, Welcome as my newest follower! I left a comment on your blog, but it looks like you haven't posted in a while so I'm leaving one here as well. Glad to "meet" you!

  6. I can hardly wait for that day...

  7. Thank you for the reminder of our bright future when Jesus reigns the new perfect earth!!

  8. The light is always such a picture of beauty, especially on the water! You captured scripture with a photo so well.

  9. I figure God must be so disappointed in us. All the more reason to rejoice in all that he does for us.

    1. Aren't you so glad for His grace? Through Jesus, we are accepted and beloved.

  10. What beautiful hope we have. I've read so many blog posts today about renewal and hope, possibly because it's spring, but it's timely for me. Thanks for stopping by today. I responded on my blog, but thought I'd check in here as well!

  11. I thoroughly agree!!! If that wasn't buried in my heart, I'd have no hope whatsoever. The only side-effect, that you and your husband and many others have to deal with on a daily basis, is the hardness and harshness of our present-day world towards us as we represent/work for our Lord. If I couldn't count on Him, nothing else would.

    Thanks much, Elizabeth. [And, I think I remember seeing that bridge... although there are many, many around there. Made me grin, though, when I saw the photo.]

  12. Me too Elizabeth. Thank God our hope is not in people but in the Lord! Trusting in His Word and walking with Him in faith that one day He will make all things new. Blessings!

  13. Amen to that! Love what you shared here -- it fills me with hope! :)

  14. Amen! I'm so thankful to know Jesus is, and always will be, my light and guide in this dark world.

  15. Yes. Wonderful reminder. Praise God we have the Light. : )

  16. Hope everlasting - you've caught that!

  17. Oh, just that little spot of sparkle and lovely!

  18. Yes, my friend, Jesus has the victory! Beautiful reminder!

  19. The light is such a beautiful thing! Thank you Elizabeth.


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