
Friday, March 8, 2013

Psalm 121:5...

I'm reading through the Songs of Ascent in the Psalms with She Reads Truth.
I've really enjoyed being involved in reading the devotionals and Bible passages along with other women, then connecting with them via the She Reads Truth blog or on Instagram.

Today the weather was sunny and warm enough to only need a sweater, 
so I had my devotions outdoors, one of my favorite things to do!

I'm so thankful that the Lord Himself watches over us.
Yes, He gives His angels charge over us,
but He's also personally involved in protecting us.
He's a good Father like that.

Still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. yes, it was a glorious Northwest day, and your photo is beautiful. I read through the songs of Ascent last year with a Eugene Peterson book. There is so much there. I'll have to check out She Reads Truth.

  2. A beautiful verse you've shared today Elizabeth! I am very grateful for His protection..His shade, at the moment.

  3. Thank you, Elizabeth. I was writing that beloved Psalm down this week. It is a great comfort.

  4. Can't help being a bit jealous about that sweater-weather ....but sharing your gratitude for the Father - His provision and protection!

  5. He is the best Father!

  6. Yes, He is watching, loving, protecting and providing for us. I love the photo.

  7. It was so nice to start my morning with this beautiful post.

  8. I love this, Elizabeth. So glad you could enjoy some Jesus-time outside! I need to check out this blog you mentioned. :)

  9. Devotions outdoors! That's music to my ears ... now all we need here in NY is lots of snow to melt and warm sunshine to come our way. Thanks, Elizabeth, for reminding me that it won't be long ...


  10. I'm so thankful the Lord stands with me and watches over me! Visiting from The Weekend Brew today. :)

  11. AMEN my friend! He is ever faithful in His watching over us.

  12. really lovely... i am longing a bit for spring weather, I am glad you are getting some :)

  13. reminded of an old Vineyard song:

    Jehovah never sleeps
    He Is watching you and me


  14. I say "Thank You Daddy!", nice post and a peaceful way to spend devotional time..goes along with my post today as well. I am visiting through Weekend Brew today. :)

  15. It was sunny here as well, a Saturday gift! I am a friend of Joanne's and she has referred to you several times so I decided to see who you were! I see we both linked with Still Saturday.
    Have a blessed Sabbath.

  16. What a sweet promise! Love this :)

  17. Awesome reminder! What a beautifully appropriate pic - Have a blessed Sunday.

  18. To know that we have angels looking out for us has always been fascinating to me. And to know that the Lord himself protects us is totally awesome.

  19. It was so beautiful yesterday.
    It is good that we have a loving 'protective' father.

  20. Wish I could be there today... it's snowy, windy, icy, COLD. Couldn't leave the house. Many churches closed/cancelled. BUT it's also not humid, hot, and dry. When I'm out in your area in July, I sure hope it's a nice time. I can rejoice!!! [Well, I will anyhow, since I'll be seeing my family, friends, and blog-sisters. Not much else, besides enjoying Mt. Rainier, the Oregon coast, and the Columbia area, of course. Miss the creative beauty,almost as much as I miss my people.]

  21. I'm so thankful for His love and protection.
    Blessings to you!


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