
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday evening eucharisteo...

I realized something as I sat down to type this post this evening.
When I first write down my thanksgiving, count my blessings, gather my gratitude,
writing them in my journal is the acknowledgement that I've seen and noticed them.
But it's in the re-writing them here,
chronicling them online,
reviewing them,
typing them out,
each Sunday evening,
that the reality of God's goodness takes root in my heart
and blossoms into true eucharisteo,

In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)

-white tulips

-yellow sunflowers

-a husband who brings me flowers
-seeing youngest daughter's new apartment
-stopping by our oldest daughter's to see the two youngest granddaughters

-a quiet morning before the granddaughters come over for me to watch them for two days
-the fact that God wants us to ask Him for what we need, even what we desire!
-look who's sleeping in my bed-our own little "Goldilocks" taking her nap

-yellow tulips lining our walk

-spaghetti dinner at our second born daughter's and making chocolate chip cookies there with my granddaughters

-the two granddaughters slept through the night
-God's goodness, kindness, love and wisdom
-it was pouring rain during nap time, but sunny enough afterwards for us to take a walk

-making rhubarb/triple berry pie-youngest daughter's birthday request

-reading Beezus and Ramona to four year old granddaughter before bed, 
the third generation of us who have loved Beverly Cleary's books

-our youngest daughter on her birthday
-a fun afternoon and evening, me and my three daughter's, celebrating together-
I love them so much and thank God for the honor of being their mom

-reading Jesus' intercession for us in John 17 and realizing afresh that His ultimate act of intercession was laying down His life for me
-talking on the phone to the Hubs about what God is doing in his life while he's at the "Passion for Jesus" conference 
-finding the tablecloth I've been wanting 

-a good night's sleep
-a really good heart to Heart prayer time while on my knees mopping the wood floor

-the Hub's safely home from the conference

-good reports of God's work in hearts and lives at church this morning
-lunch with one of the single mamas from church
-a friend messaging me that she feels like God has something good ahead for us
and me feeling that same bubbly anticipation in my spirit
-God's help to get my least favorite chore done and remain at peace while doing it

Gratefully yours,


  1. Rejoicing with you that your week was so beautiful--and I love the way you captured it!

  2. Beautiful, inspiring post, Elizabeth. And I'm also enjoying sharing Beverly Cleary books with my grands. I loved Carol Ryrie Brink books when I was young, so I have them all here and have read some to my group. :)

  3. Beautiful! xoxoxo With you. Me too. I understand--no other way than gratitude. Right now, I'm reading Ann's devotional book that followed One Thousand Gifts. It's incredible.

  4. oh ... would love that pie recipie!


  5. Looks like a glorious week for you! Thanks for sharing. :)


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