
Friday, April 12, 2013

Isaiah 43:1...

I love that our God is so personal.
He knows us by name.
He knows
our likes,
our dislikes,
our hopes,
our dreams,
our strengths,
our weaknesses,
our victories,
our defeats,
every thought,
every word,
every deed,
the good and the bad,
and yet He still loves us
and made the way,
through Jesus,
for us to be forever His,
just because of His great, great love.

Still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. How absolutely amazing is the Unconditional Love of our Lord ! The Older I get the more comfort I have in knowing that he knows every little thing about me because it makes it so much easier to go before him in prayer and poor my heart out to him knowing he already knows my needs and my praises.

    Praise our Sweet Jesus !

  2. I love that He calls me by name! Have a lovely weekend.

  3. In a related vein, this verse makes me sad and passionate (at the same time) for Israel. God LITERALLY named Israel; claimed Israel; saved Israel over and over again; and still longs for Israel... May I in my short life remain faithful to Him, overwhelmed by His personal grace and mercy to me and useful as an instrument of His grace to others.

  4. I have a hard enough time getting all my boys names straight - but He doesn't - does He! That He knows every detail about us - and remembers it right - can know the world and know you and me - it only shows me how BIG He is - and what He can do shows He is God! Love your reminder this early Saturday morning!

  5. Thanks for sharing this, it's wonderful to pause on a Saturday morning and think that He knows my name and everything about me, and He loves me completely. Mary

  6. "...still following"... Yes, through all that He knows and is, He loves us dearly and our call is to "follow" Him. I, too, am "still following" and do not want to stop. Glad you stopped by so I would be prompted to come by here, Elizabeth.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  7. Okay this is my very favorite scripture and snapshot that you have ever done just awesome

  8. Yes ... and amen, my friend ...


  9. Thank you, Elizabeth. I not only love the photo, I need to be reminded over and over again that He knows me, inside out, and even when I ain't perfect, He's encouraging me to move forward, He's forgiving me, and He loves me and He's preparing me to serve Him through eternity. [4-1/2 days and I will be "airporting" you. Looking forward to this, beyond belief.]

  10. Beautifully said! Thank you for this sweet post. I was so encouraged by it. :)

  11. When I'm sitting around with my head hanging low in shame because I've messed up again, it is an awesome and terrifying truth to know --- and truly believe AND accept this amazing truth that He Knows Me and in spite of it, that He loves me. Beautiful photo.

    1. And He doesn't want His girl to hang her head low. Even when you mess up, lift up your head and enter into His presence and receive His forgiveness and His grace to enable you to get back up and keep walking. Much love to you, Dina! Happy to "meet" you here.

  12. Beautiful! I'm grateful to make my way here this morning. Blessings to you.

  13. HE is so amazing like that - to know my name and at the same time know every other person's name. Not only does HE know us, but HE is concerned about us. Have a blessed week!

    Psalm 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever:

  14. Wonderful promise, HE knows our name... that is personal... and relational.

  15. I love the way you shared this passage and the comfort from these truths.


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