
Friday, April 5, 2013

Jeremiah 15:16....

I love this verse because God's Word truly is the joy and rejoicing of my heart.
It has sustained me through difficulty, given me wisdom, counseled me, 
revived me, restored my soul and renewed my mind.
I am so very grateful that God gave us His Word. 
I am thankful to live with the freedom to read it and that it is readily available to me.
I know many people live where that is not so for them,
 and who knows, that may not always be the case for me.
I want to hide it in my mind and heart where nothing and no one can take it from me.

Still following,

(this photo was editing using one layer of Kim Klassen's
1612 texture, lighten mode, 10% opacity
one layer of 1412, multiply mode, 20% opacity)

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. I agree. His word is so precious and means so much! He never fails!

  2. His Word is sweet and you have portrayed it beautifully!

  3. His Word is Life! I really enjoy reading your posts. Blessings, Diane

  4. i always enjoy "visiting" with you! and love to hang out with you a while, such a good reminder of the important things in life

  5. You are absolutely correct in thinking we may not always have the freedom to read the word whenever we like. Freedoms are being chipped away in this nation. We need to have a hunger for the word. Thanks for this.

  6. Amen! No one can take away the Word from us who accept it and eat it like Jeremiah did! Thank you, Lord!

  7. Amen to that! Beautiful verse and photo. Have a blessed weekend! love, Rachael at Inking the Heart (linking up after you at Weekend Brew)

  8. Beautiful! There is nothing sweater than His Word. Have a beautiful weekend.

  9. Oh, I love that verse. And thank you for your words as well. May your day be filled with the sweet fragrance of spring and His Word.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  10. What a wonderful verse! We really are blessed to have that freedom to relish in the Bible and talk about it a we want. Beautiful picture too. :)

  11. One of my favorite scriptures...we had our second daughter dedicated to the Lord with this scripture as part of her name. Love the photo (peaceful blue mug)

  12. This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. This is so pretty! So full of peaceful joy.

  14. The powerful WORD of God is truly amazing. I really like this verse!

  15. "Joy and rejoicing of my heart" beautiful words and picture.

  16. An inspiring post and your photograph beautifully illustrates Jeremiah 15:16.

  17. Very lovely, a perfect illustration of the Bible verse!!

  18. Love it, Elizabeth. Every once in a while, I am concerned that, especially as I'm aging, memorization is not nearly as easy and, if persecuted, and Bibles broken away, WILL I remember His Word sufficiently after all these years of study? I hardly ever assume we will never be in that situation. This was a good sharing reminder. [SEE YOU IN 9 DAYS!!!! YIPPEE!!]

  19. A beautiful verse for sure. :)

  20. Great image and post. I especially love the highlighting done in your Bible.

  21. Beautiful! The words are truly inspiring.


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