
Friday, April 19, 2013

Proverbs 24:14...

I love this photo of sweet, four year old granddaughter's hand holding a peppermint stick.
I also love the book of Proverbs.
If you've never done a study on the contrasts between wisdom and foolishness in the book of Proverbs, I highly recommend doing so.
God wants us to have wisdom.
In the book of James, God tells us to ask Him for wisdom.
This verse in Proverbs tells us that having wisdom is connected to having a bright future, to having hope.
So, wisdom isn't just an optional attribute, it's something we should be asking for, seeking and pursuing.
If we will, God will give wisdom to us.

Still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Sweet picture of your granddaughter holding the peppermint stick--makes me want one--!

    And your scripture and post make me want wisdom--I will ask God for it once again.

    1. You're already a very wise woman in my eyes!

  2. Thanks for this needed reminder that God wants us to ask for wisdom and will give it to His children! I sure need it now more than ever in my life. :)
    I really like the peppermint photo. You're so creative with your pictures!

    1. Thanks, Leslie. I sometimes get discouraged with how far I still have to go to improve my photography skills!

  3. The picture is precious. I love shots like that.

    There isn't a day that passes that I don't seek wisdom and patience.

  4. You have to make a poster of this and sell it on Etsy! It is amazing!!

  5. He says that if we lack wisdom, we are to ask. I ask Him every day for wisdom. Have a blessed time at Jumping Tandem. Jealous!

  6. Amen. I crave the listening heart that Solomon asked God to give him. It is the threshold to that wisdom.

    Listen, heart, listen.

    1. You're right, listening, heeding, obeying, all keys to obtaining wisdom!

  7. Great verse! I try to read a chapter of Proverbs a day when I am praying through a decision or if I am in need of direction.

  8. So happy we got to meet this weekend!

  9. Reading in Proverbs this past week and still today, there is so much meat there, it's hard to move past this wonderful book.


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