
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The fact that the Hubs remembered the name ranunculus when he stopped at Trader Joe's 
to get me some flowers is amazingly sweet.
I had mentioned that I liked them and would like to find some.

They are a soft stemmed flower, rather like a tulip, so the flowers eventually droop.
 The bouquets aren't as long lasting as a hardy bunch of mums or carnations.
They don't really have a fragrance either.

But, they make up for it with their showy fullness, rather like a peony.

I love the simplicity of an all white bouquet.

But then again, a little pop of red is quite lovely, too.

Still following,



  1. Oh how beautiful and sweet. :) I haven't ever noticed ranunculus until this year. Saw them in huge pots at the Dallas Arboretum and I was stunned by their beauty. We go to an appointment tomorrow right by Trader Joe's. Might try to stop by there.

  2. So pretty. I love seeing fresh spring flowers again.
    Mary Alice

  3. I love ranunculus too, can't pronounce it or spell it, but I love them!

  4. So pretty! I love your blog. I'm your newest follower ;) I would love for you to link this up to our new linky party, Give Me The Goods Monday! I am hosting with 4 other bloggers, 1 party but your links will show up on all 5 blogs!
    Jamie @

  5. I so enjoy visiting your's so peaceful! The flowers are gorgeous :-)

  6. If I have ever seen them, I didn't know what they were called. I'm still not sure how to pronounce it, either. I think they look sort of paper-y to me which is lovely.

    And I am particularly fond of the pop of red!

  7. These flowers are my favorite I think (next to Peonies) and hubby was so sweet to remember the name of them.

    Nothing like fresh flowers to brighten a room--love this!

  8. these flower arrangements are beautiful!

  9. Hi Elizabeth,

    I just bought three little pots of ranunculus from Home Depot a couple of weeks ago in 2 pink colors and a white with lavender. I love them! And they were small, so cost less than $3.00 each. I think they're only annuals, though, as they aren't cold-hearty, but for the price of a bouquet I have three charming flower plants. I popped them into little galvanized flower pots I picked up at a yard sale. They're on my front porch (so I can bring them inside if we get more cold weather.) I love Spring, and that our Creator has given us such variety! Have a lovely week.

  10. I love all white bouquets too, of course! Good training! My Mister has even picked up my magazines for me a time or two! Haha! Happy WW!

  11. Your ranunculus are so pretty and so sweet of hubby to bring them to you. I have been seeing them for a few years and just adore them.

  12. I love all white bouquets also! Very pretty.

  13. Your ranoculous are so pretty. I have never seen real ones, only silk, and I have some in yellow and love them. Such a pretty flower............
    Very sweet of your hubby to bring them to you as well, mine does that every so often too............great to have wonderful hubbies huh!!
    Blessings, and nice to meet you hear in blogland, this was my
    first time to visit.......and I am following Jesus too, nothing better.............


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