
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Shawnee Pottery Owl Cookie Jar...

Recently, two sweet gals from our church took me antiquing in McMinnville and Lafayette, Oregon.
Though only about 45 minutes southeast of Portland, I'd actually never been antiquing there before.
One of the places we browsed through was the Lafayette Schoolhouse Antique Mall.
Three large stories of things to see!
It was there that I saw him, this owl cookie jar.
Out of all the things I'd seen that day, this was the only thing that really, really tempted me.
I guess when he winked at me, I was smitten.

His price tag was $45 dollars...I looked at him, walked away, looked at him, walked away.
April has been one of those "some extra unexpected expenses" kind of months, 
so in the end I left him there.
But, I certainly didn't forget about him!

When I got home, I did some online research and found out that he was made by Shawnee Pottery in the 1940's.
I also found out that he normally sells online for $125 up to $225!
Then I was really sad that I had left him behind!

I also discovered that Anthropologie sells a reproduction of this owl cookie jar for $68.
 I began to be tempted with thoughts of going all the way back to get the flirty little owl at Lafayette,
since an original in mint condition worth almost triple of the asking price now seemed too good to pass up.

But then, two days later, I unexpectedly received a box in the mail from Lafayette Schoolhouse Antique Mall!
My two friends bought my owl and had him shipped to me as a surprise!

He looks right at home in my house and he makes me smile every time I see him.
I named him Lafayette, after the place I first saw him.
He's extra special to me because of the friends who were so sweet to surprise me with him.

 In further research about Shawnee Pottery I discovered that another of their pieces from the '40s is this smiley piggie creamer.
I've had him since I was a teenager.
(No, I was not a teenager in the '40s! It was the 70's!)
Mama gave him to me to water some little house plants I kept in my bedroom.
If I recall correctly, she had picked him up at a yard sale.
Mama wasn't a yard sale- thrifting type and did not really have a fondness for knick knack type things.
I think that's why I've kept him and been fond of him for all these years.
She was thinking of me and somehow knew that I'd like him.

So, the owl led me to discover something about another piece of Shawnee Pottery that I've had for a long, long time.
And that my friends, is how, if you are not careful, if you don't practice restraint, you can start a collection....
which I will NOT do, I will not, I will siree, not me, nope, nada, not going to...

Still following,



  1. LOVE that your friends gifted you in such a fun way! LOVE it!


  2. TeeHee! "...which I will NOT do, I will not, I will siree, not me, nope, nada, not going to..." I know! I used to say this and after many years of less than good restraint, I am finally learning!
    BUT...the best part, for me, Elizabeth, is the arrival of the owl from your precious friends. You are blessed to have them in your life!
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  3. Cute owl and he looks perfect sitting there on your shelf. What lovely, thoughtful friends you have!!
    Mary Alice

  4. Such a cute post! Love the owl cookie jar and piggy!

  5. I love both pieces, and you made me smile about not starting a collection. Yep... that's exactly how it starts. I would have been drawn to the wink too. I just told my husband over the weekend that when I walk around an antique mall, things just have to call out to me. That one would have.

  6. What a precious gift from your friends! I love the way they had him delivered to you. No new collection, huh? I wish you the best with that one. Collections collect when you're not looking, dear friend!

  7. cute, cute, cute! Love that she's pink!

  8. You were so close to my house, I live in Newberg and could have met you there. :o(
    Well there are other shops in Aurora and also a nice 'collectible' one in Newberg. SO if you are ever in the area again let me know.
    That little addition is very cute.

  9. Sweet! I love it that your friends gifted you with that nice cookie jar. Your post caused me to check out our Winnie Pig cookie jar. I found that she's also made by Shawnee Pottery, and valuable as well. (Though she has some chips on her rim.) I found the lid alone selling for $30.00! :-) We inherited her, so she was free.

  10. This story just makes me remember how much God cares about all the little things, too. What a way to bless you!


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