
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

So you can see an answer to prayer...

I wrote about my fear before going on our first missions trip to Ghana, West Africa here.

I wrote about our experiences while we were in Ghana here and here and here.

I wrote about how God showed us how we could make a difference in Ghana here and here.

So, I thought it only fitting to share with you what God has done
in the construction of the well, water tower and irrigation system for the village of Homabenase, Ghana
and a little peek into what He has put in our heart to do next.

Still following,


  1. What a blessing to be able to see the fruit of your labor!! Those children are precious! Looks a lot like Haiti where my parents were missionaries and I was born and raised.
    Mary Alice

  2. Beautiful video with one of my favorite songs. I'm excited about the next step!

  3. Loved the video and the song--reaching out to the world--even if its next door is such a blessing to them and but more to us even.

  4. This is so, so dear. It is tender to me right now for a lot of reasons. I'm excited for what God is doing through your Body.

  5. Sometimes we get so involved in what's next, that we need to see how far we've come already and thank God for all the things He's doing.

  6. Elizabeth, I've enjoyed being in the audience watching what the Lord is doing in and through you regarding this journey to Africa. Can't wait to see how the next chapter unfolds.

  7. My heart was so touched to see the water tower standing high in the sky and to know that God is leading you to continue to follow Him to reach the need!

  8. Cool! Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!


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