
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

White ironstone and to faux or not to faux?

I wrote a post last week about decorating with plants.
I am definitely not a lover of faux foliage or flowers, but prefer real.

But when I saw some very realistic faux succulents on clearance at Michael's,
I bought a couple.
 I thought they might work in a couple of pieces that I don't want to dirty with real soil and plants.

I actually think it's hard to tell a difference!
See that little touch of green in the cubby?

There it is!
So, what do you think...
to faux or not to faux?

Still following,



  1. Elizabeth, I think they look real! If you hadn't told us, I never would have known the difference. Good job picking some that are very realtisic.

    Dropping by from Becky's blog party. Thanks for sharing.



  2. Hi Elizabeth, I like the faux. I think they look real and I probably would have bought a couple of them...Connie

  3. Wow, they do look real. I'd love to have a succulent garden. I've seen table succulent gardens done. They look so cute.

  4. Little bits of green are the perfect addition to your lovely collection of ironstone! Thank goodness the faux can almost look real at times, and it's so low maintenance! :-)
    Mary Alice

  5. If you can't tell the difference how can it be wrong? I have two or three fauxs and nobody would ever know. :)

  6. When it looks as good as this -- I say faux! You must be a peacemaker, because the things you do in your home speak peace and quiet. xo

  7. The small touches of green are wonderful and very life-like. Perfect choices!

  8. I definitely can't tell the difference. They are a perfect accent.

  9. They look real! Who would have thought the were faux succulents. Love the little touch of one in the owl. Plants one of God's many wonderful creations that I love to have in my house and on my porch.

  10. Love the white ironstone collection! The plants fooled me. I prefer the real deal as well but a couple of places where I don't have enough light just cry out for something green. There are some good quality ones out there now!

  11. I have both in our house, on top of my hutch is fake greenery and then around the living room I now have five real plants. Never wanted any before but am discovering that if I pay attention and put them near some sun they do ok and add some warmth to the room.

  12. Good choice! I could probably use some faux plants, since I have terrible light in my house. The only place where I can grow plants is in a tiny east-facing window in the tiny original bathroom of the "old" part of the house. Glass shelves on the wall above the toilet---the zygo cactus plants love the location!

  13. I think to faux when they look real - or when there is a good reason. I have faux on my entertainment center area. We learned the hard way many years ago the possible consequences of having plants to water (and overflow) on electronics or entertainment center! Love your faux plants.


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