
Thursday, May 23, 2013

A quiet week...

It wasn't pre-planned, but I felt it coming on Sunday.
I just needed to be quiet.
I needed to hush up and listen to what God wanted to say to me.
I also needed to spend some time with my hubby without my computer to distract me.

When the tornado devastated Moore, Oklahoma on Monday,
it confirmed to me that the last thing I needed to do was to keep up my usual blogging schedule 
this week and act like nothing happened.
 I'm still here, alive and well, but just a bit quieter this week.
I should be back to my usual schedule next week,
and if all goes as planned, there's a Ghanaian market basket in one follower's future!

still following,


  1. So glad you had a quiet week - a nice get-away time with your hubby. And Jesus! (not necessarily in that order!!)

  2. Love the quiet beauty of your decor and enjoyed the history of the basket.

  3. I understand this kind of quiet and it's a good, God thing. <3

    1. Enjoy your blogging break this week, Michele!

  4. I understand the exact need for quiet that you are referring to. I have felt it all the more as the Memorial Day weekend approaches. I feel very drawn to the "be still" right now.

    1. Yes, sometimes it's good to shut down, turn off and be still.

  5. Sounds like you listened to His still small voice and obeyed.

    Much love to you and yours.


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