
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Friday's Favs...common things make the cutest vases

My favorite things to use as vases are not made of lead crystal or fine porcelain.
My favorite things are old mason jars, sturdy stoneware crocks or shapely bottles.

I found this vintage soda bottle in an antique store for three dollars.
It totally completes this vignette on my mantel, in my opinion.

Limonata lemonade can be found in 6 packs at World Market.
After we drank the lemonade, a summer or two ago, I kept the bottles.
A yellow rose from the backyard plopped in this Limonata bottle
 looks like a match made in heaven on my kitchen windowsill.

Not all labels are this cute, but if a salad dressing or olive oil bottle are shapely,
soak them in hot water and scrub the label off.
A new vase might be right in your pantry.

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
and a BLESSED weekend!

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Shabby Art Boutique
TidyMom photo 100_3353aaabbbb144copy_zps0998a8b5.jpgAdorned From Above

Seasonal-Sunday-Teapot-copy_thumb3Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. I am swooning over the old camera on your mantle! I we are kindred spirits on using bottles and other interesting items as vases. It makes me happy to make lovely pairs.

    1. Thanks, Marty! The old camera was a gift from a sweet friend!

  2. I am loathe to throw away any interesting glass bottles or jars myself, I love the look of them to put flowers or other things into...more than the vases I have really. The yellow rose looks perfect in the limonade bottle and as you have said the vintage soft drink bottle looks perfect in your vignette. Wishing you a good weekend Elizabeth.

  3. I really like all your bottles, and that rose gosh is it ever pretty. Yellow is one of most favorite colors and looks great with the lemon label.

    1. I am so happy when my roses begin to bloom! Thanks, Barbara!

  4. I love your arrangements, and I do exactly the same thing! In fact, I have loads of the little San Pellegrino bottles saves for farm fresh flower arrangements at our little farm stand.

    1. Their packaging designer knew what he/she was doing!

  5. Adorable! Orangina makes a cute bottle too like the Lemonata. Im loving your vintage camera!!!

  6. I was just wondering what happened to the music that used to play on your blog?

    1. Hi! The free music player I was using was discontinued. I have one on my sidebar you can turn on or off as you wish. Unfortunately, the song everyone loved by Julie Meyer, Paint Your Picture, wasn't available on this new player.

  7. Gorgeous flowers. Love the "vases," too. :)

  8. Oh yes, way more personality than regular vases. Love the flowers too...from your garden? God's blessings on your weekend!

    1. Yes, my very own roses. If you knew how untalented I am at gardening, you would realize how precious every rose I get is to me!

  9. Yep, so fun to think outside the box!!
    Mary Alice

  10. I completely agree with you. In fact, I have some very nice vases that never come out of the cabinet any more because I'd rather use a mil bottle or jelly jar. :)

  11. I couldn't agree more and love to do that too. Not only do I like random bottles, but I love them filled with random things I pluck along the way.

    Sometimes I get a sneezer, but most of the time it's fine.

    1. A sneezer! :) By the way, your Mother's Day post was FABULOUS! I linked to it on my facebook and got so many comments about it!

  12. Me too! I love Mason jar vases--your post made me think about using an old milk bottle that's on our front porch for a vase.

    Blessings, Elizabeth, and thanks for sharing.

  13. I love using things like that bottle as a vase. I have started saving pretty ones like that to use at my daughter's outdoor graduation party.

    Blessings. Amy

  14. I love Mason jars, too.. they are so versatile and have such charm, especially used as a vase! I agree, there is extraordinary beauty in the simplicity of ordinary things. Thank you, Elizabeth!

  15. LOVE that vignette you created. Such great ideas!! Happy Friday ;)
    Jamie @

  16. Oh I love this idea. Great bottles and the flowers are so pretty too. I host a party called Inspire Me Tuesday and it goes live every Monday evening. I would love for you to link up any of your projects. Hugs, Marty

  17. You created a beautiful post with lots of inspiration.

  18. Replies
    1. Still a learning by trial and error photographer. Thanks for the encouragement!

  19. Thank you for sharing Elizabeth. Blessings.

  20. I agree! Love your vignettes! The scale with the ironstone on it is just fab!

  21. I'm right there with ya, Elizabeth! I love using the un-expected as vases! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  22. Love that -- such simplicity with so much impact!


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