
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Friday's Favs....Home Sweet Home

There's always something needing repaired or updated.

There's always something I'd like to change,
a project I'd like to do,
something new I'd like to buy.

But, sometimes, what I really need is just new eyes to see what I already have.

A simple heart of gratitude...

a spirit of contentment...

that's what really satisfies.

Discontent robs me of the beauty of now.

Contentment helps me to see the beauty of what I already have.

Contentment turns a house into a home.

I'm thankful for my home sweet home.

It's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

vintage inspiration button              1aaadoveladygfairy006

Shabby Art Boutique
TidyMom photo 100_3353aaabbbb144copy_zps0998a8b5.jpgAdorned From Above

Seasonal-Sunday-Teapot-copy_thumb3Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Very nice, love your style of decorating.

  2. So true! I too am thankful each and every day.

    1. Gratitude and thankfulness are choices of the will, aren't they?

  3. Beautiful post!! Especially after yesterdays. ;) I love the colorful flowers and coffee cups!! I love my home too and love to surround myself by things I love. :)

    1. Yep, we must choose contentment in the tough times, too!

  4. Replies
    1. You are sweet! If I'm wise, it's only God, not me!

  5. Very nice! Thanks for sharing your wise words with us all.I love all your owls and you have great style.

  6. Your home is such a peaceful place of blessing - and beauty! I love your flowers!

  7. Thanks for pointing this out beautifully written :-)

  8. Soooooooooooo powerful, Elizabeth! God's been whispering the same lesson to me.

    I adore your house--It's so me. :-) Love your Mason jars, loves everything, really. Wish I lived nearby.

    Blessings on your day. You've sure blessed mine.

  9. Beautiful decor! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  10. Thank you for beautiful images and words I needed to read

  11. Your home is filled with such beauty. And I LOVE what you say, matter what others see when they look at our home, or how satisfied with the state of things we are that day...our contentment is choosing gratitude for what is ALREADY there. For the reminders of provision, love and grace around corners, on tables, in cupboards, on faces, in glimmers of light. So grateful for the Spirit that reminds us and even puts words to our gratitude.


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