
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday's new old painting!

When Monticello Antique Marketplace had their annual anniversary sale last weekend I just had to go!
I had a gift card from Mother's Day to spend!  YaY!
Above is a little iPhoto collage of some of the goodies I saw.

I looked all around, not really having anything in particular in mind that I was looking for.
That's rare for me, as I usually have a running list in my mind of things to keep an eye open for.

When I saw this painting, I thought, this is it!
I love old barns, I love the European look to the farmer's attire.
I love the cow and the chicken.
So, I took it up to the front desk and had them hold it for me while I looked around awhile longer.
I wanted to be sure that I loved it enough to spend my gift card on!

And I did!
Here it is perched atop the antique wooden cubby I bought at Monticello last year.

I also bought another French mustard jar to add to my little collection.

Here's one of my other French mustard jars.

And another one...

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

vintage inspiration button              1aaadoveladygfairy006

TidyMomShabby Art Boutique
Seasonal-Sunday-Teapot-copy_thumb3 photo 100_3353aaabbbb144copy_zps0998a8b5.jpgAdorned From Above

Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Hi Elizabeth..Happy Friday to you as well! I think your red truck really completes the painting and your little mustard jars are just gorgeous.

  2. Lovely painting but...oh! That wooden cubby is gorgeous! I love it, and the one you show with your beautiful collection too.
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina

  3. Love, love, love the painting--at first glance I thought the red truck was part of the picture. It goes so well with it.

    Happy Friday to you also and a blessed, blessed weekend!

  4. Love the painting you chose, Elizabeth. It looks great on top of your cubby!
    Mary Alice

  5. What a lovely little painting! I would've snatched that up right away too.

  6. The painting is definitely something that would have caught my eye. I love old barns. I also love your cubby shelf and all the mustard jars. That's a really interesting collection. I don't know that I've ever seen them before. Happy Friday to you!

  7. It's a wonderful painting, Elizabeth. Glad you were able to take it home with you :)

  8. That is such a sweet painting Elizabeth. Love the cubby too. Thank you for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.


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