
Friday, May 24, 2013

Luke 8:25...

Jesus was in the boat with His disciples when the windstorm came.
Jesus was sound asleep as the waves and the wind tossed the boat around.
Asleep, as water began to fill the boat.

Maybe you think He was asleep on the job when a tornado devastated Moore, Oklahoma on Monday.
Maybe, like the disciples, your question is, "Don't you care?"
In the gospel accounts, the disciples woke Jesus up and He rebuked the wind and waves.
The wind ceased and there was a great calm.
He then rebuked the disciples and asked, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?"

The greatest minds and theologians have wrestled with the issue of God's sovereignty.
I think every human being questions why a good God allows suffering in this world.
We especially question why He allows the innocent to suffer.
When children die, we wonder why.

While I don't have the answers, here's what I observe from the scriptures referenced above.
-Jesus was in the middle of the storm with them.
-Jesus remained at peace and rest while the storm raged.
In other words, God isn't freaked out, surprised or worried when circumstances are raging around us.
-Jesus had the power to calm the wind and the waves.
The reason why He didn't stop the tornado on Monday is only known in His great heart.
He could have.
-Jesus rebuked the disciples for their fear and lack of faith.
Here's where things can get touchy, get confusing.

In my opinion, I don't think Jesus was rebuking the disciples because 
they questioned His ability to control the forces of nature.
I believe He rebuked them because they doubted His love, His care, His concern.

And every time bad things happen to good people,
 the enemy shoots his arrow into that exact same bulls-eye.
He accuses God of not caring and not loving us.
And we swallow his lies hook, line and sinker.

I don't have the answers to the question why.
But I am planted firmly and unshakeably on these truths.
-God is always in control.
-Nothing that happens on this earth catches God by surprise.
-Jesus is in the midst of our mess, our storm, our circumstances with us.
The Amplified Bible says He never relaxes His hold on us.
-No matter what our circumstances are, God's love for us and God's goodness are steadfast.
-God looks at things from an eternal perspective, while we look at things from a finite perspective.
In other words, this life is a blip on the screen compared to all He has prepared for us.
However, most of us live life totally consumed with our comfort in the here and now.

No matter where you are, no matter what you are facing, 
God cares.
His eye is upon you.
His ear is open to your cries.
His heart is fully invested in you.
You are in His hands.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. It is so true that suffering is hard to understand especially terrible suffering such as the tragic tornado, but the only way to get through it is to believe in the very core of our being that God is sovereign and He is in control. He can bring beautiful things out of suffering. So true too about living our lives consumed with our comfort in the here and now. Guilty. :/ Thanks for sharing and very well written. :)

    1. Thanks, Gina! We have to trust God. He knows all things and does all things well.

  2. Elizabeth, Knowing the truth about the sovereignty, faithfulness, track record, and love of God sets our hearts at peace. You covered so MANY of the truths that anchor my heart in these troubled time. "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure" (Hebrews 16:9).

    1. I've had that verse from Hebrews on my mind and heart a lot lately, Rebecca!

  3. "He never, never, no never leaves or forsakes us!" Amen. Great reminder, that even through the storms of life...He is there!

    1. Isn't the Amplified Bible translarion of that verse amazing!

  4. Wish I could do coffee with you and breath in some life with you. Beautiful post. Wise words.

    1. Oh friend, I wish we could have coffee and a good visit! I'm so glad God brought us together in Omaha!

  5. Dear Elizabeth
    Yes, we all wrestle with this at some stage of our lives. I found peace in the fact that Jesus gave up everything when He became like one of us and opened the way back to our Pappa. He didn't shy away from suffering even though He could have. He didn't live out of His life as God, even though He could have. He suffered like all of us when He did nothing wrong. He is still working, getting the new heavens and new earth ready for His bride. Let us be well prepared for our Beloved's return.
    Much love

  6. Elizabeth, I feel like I want to say more, or maybe copy and paste what stood out most to me, but I'd be copying and pasting your entire post in this comment box. So I will just say thank you for your loving heart shown in what you've shared. Truly beautiful! Blessings to you. Beth

    1. Thanks Beth! Your encouragement means a lot.

  7. Remembering that this moment in time is just a blip on eternity's screen... I cling to that. That His perspective is so much broader, so much higher, and there's so much I don't understand. Except this: He is in control when it seems like nothing is. And yes, He is with us always in all ways and in all things. Beautiful reflection. Thank you, Elizabeth.

    1. Thank you, Sandra! I really appreciate your encouragement!

  8. The way I often think is that when we die and get to heaven we're going to finally understand it all. Even though Satan has much of the worldly control, mostly b/c people turn to him, the Lord is our Protector as we turn to Him. And, even though sorrowing over children, the way I rejoice is that they truly ARE in heaven and haven't walked into world-wide sin that can keep them away from the Lord. Guess I tossed too many thoughts here. Shoulda just said, GOD is BIGGER!!! That's what I rely on, moment by moment.

    1. Yes, I do believe we will not only understand it all, but say it was worth it all! This "temporary, light affliction" finally over and us entering into "eternal glory"!

  9. I love this. So important to share with believers because you're right, it is easy to fall for the line "God must not care." I remind myself that I'm only a human and I cannot possibly comprehend all His purposes. We had it perfect in the beginning until we fell for another lie. Wonderful post, thank you!

    1. So happy to have you take the time to read and comment, Carrie. It means a lot!

  10. Amen and Amen! Such an encouraging post with a perspective change we all need at times like these. I try to live my life being "rooted and grounded in love" but am always amazed at how easily I am shaken from that foundation. I am so thankful that God's graciousness picks me back up and sets my sight on Him and His perspective of me over and over. Blessings to you Elizabeth. I love my weekend visits here! Linking with you at Barbie's

    1. To be rooted deep enough in His love to be immovable and unshakeable by circumstances is my goal! Thanks so much for your encouragement friend!

  11. During my son's battle with leukemia I learned that great truth. God does not leave us during times of crisis and suffering. He hears our prayers and walks alongside us. God did not heal our son but He loved him and cared for our family. My journals were a valuable resource in seeing God's care for Steven and His presence in our lives.

    Enjoyed your comment on my blog--have a blessed weekend!

    1. Oh my, you have walked a road no one would ever choose. I'm sure we could all learn something from those journals of yours.

  12. This is a question that is asked so often. Good words today, my friend.

  13. Elizabeth so beautifully put.

    For me I have always looked at tragedy and disaster as just part of this broken world we live in and that if the Lord stopped every tragedy from happening in the world we would not have the bad times to grow,and learn from. I know he promises that the bad shall be turned into good ..and many times he can only work by allowing tragedy so that good can come from it .. I hope I wrote that where it makes since.

    In all the troubles and dark times my life has faced .. He has never left me or forsaken me and he has brought me out a better person and to a better place in life. Praise The Lord !

    Thanks so much for your Beautiful Post ..God has blessed you with such wisdom and insight to share with the rest of us and for that I am thankful !

    Blessings ..Sara

    1. You are a blessing and a great encouragement to me, Sara!

  14. This post is so well written for such a time as this. God does have our situation under control. Although we may be unable to control it and manipulate it, the God whom we serve is more than able to do everything - but fail. Thank you so very much for writing from the depths of your soul. I am about to reread this post. There are so many great truths embedded within. Have an amazing week!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm thankful that it was helpful to you.

  15. Elizabeth, this was beautifully written. I ask myself the same questions...and then I remember and remind myself that no matter what, God is absolutely in control. Our human minds cannot comprehend His works or His plans, but that is where faith comes in. ~ Stopping by from Barbie's Weekend Brew, Have a blessed day!!


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