
Friday, May 10, 2013

Psalm 1:3...

This Psalm begins with the words, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly...".
It goes on in the second verse to say "But his delight is in the law of the Lord...".
I want to be like the tree described in verse three,
but the conditions in verses 1 and 2 have to be met.
I find that it's all too easy to claim God's promises without following God's precepts.
God, help me to have a heart that loves and obeys You wholeheartedly.
Help me to walk in Your will and ways.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Dear Elizabeth
    You are not the only one who did this, dear friend! I have found that when I live and abide in our sweet Lord Jesus, my "needs" change completely and I freely desire only what my Pappa wants. Oh, I am so sorry for all the times I tried to manipulate our God to provide in my selfish, fleshly greeds!
    Much love from Sandra's.

  2. what beauty and peace to be found here...
    I linger in your photo

  3. This looks like a lovely spot to hang out... :)

  4. A beautiful way to start a Saturday!

  5. I love that first chapter of Psalms. In fact I became aware of scripture typer after reading what Ann Voskamp was doing. She was memorizing large sections of the Bible, using scripture typer and printed verses put into a booklet to go over while waiting somewhere. I took on that challenge of hers and Psalm 1 was my first whole chapter memorized. It is only 6 verses but at middle age I feel proud to remember anything new.

  6. A favorite passage and a lovely image :-) Have a blessed day of rest!

  7. A favorite chapter of mine!

  8. That is one of my favorite verses! Thanks for sharing and blessings to you this weekend! Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart (linking up with you at Barbie's)

  9. Such truth. I have been guilty of immediately moving to the promise of God and forgetting that I was not in line with his precepts. Thank you for this reminder this morning. Have a beautiful weekend.

  10. Amen.
    So beautiful Elizabeth. Interesting how our scripture choices are similar.

  11. How true! Sadly, a lot of us pluck out scripture that sounds "good" only to ignore the whole meaning. Thank you for this!

  12. Wonderful and timely, Elizabeth. The lesson I'm teaching tomorrow (yes... still teaching) is on the command to be "Word hearers". We're about to go off on a Word Doers journey, but first I want to remind them (and in so doing, ME) of the prerequisite of hearing the Word of the Lord.

  13. It is not a hard thing to enjoy the presence of the Lord..just like the tree planted by the river. The tree just sits in the right place next to the river and the river provides the goodness to keep the leaves green and bear fruit..just like His goodness keeps our lives healthy and bearing good fruit...the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Happy Mother's Day!

  14. Oh but what a river of delight to be so rooted in HIM. This is one beautiful tree.

  15. This is one of my favorite scriptures - it just makes me want to stretch my soul toes into that Holy Spirit river!

  16. a heartfelt sabbath prayer. thank you ...


  17. Amen! Your prayer echoes in my heart.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda


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