Friday, August 30, 2013

Ephesians 1:7...

So rich in kindness and grace...
I love those words.
I love the great heart of the One True God, 
the Only God of all of the gods of this world, 
who loves.
The Only God of all the gods, 
who gave His Only Son for us
while we were still neck deep in sin.
The Only God who can truly forgive sins.
So rich in kindness and grace indeed!

still following, 

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. One of my favorite verses says that it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance. Praise God for His kindness toward me!

    1. Thank you so much Patricia for popping in and for your kind comment.

  2. Dear Elizabeth
    Oh, and what is even more glorious about our Pappa vs the other so-called gods, is not just the fact the He is the only Ones what love, but He loves always, no matter what we do or don't do!!
    Blessings XX

  3. Very pretty... have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Amen! Never failing, always on time, true and good.

  5. Yes! Forgiven is one of the only focuses in my life. I know so many of my sins that hit me over and over again.. the Enemy is reminding me over and over again. I can only trust the Lord, turn to Him. Thank you for sharing so beautifully, as usual.

    Bless you, Elizabeth. Love you, miss you.

    1. Oh friend, the enemy is a liar and tormenter. The old you is dead and you are raised to new life in Christ. Those things, that person, are gone!

  6. He is so kind, so gracious, so full of compassion! Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Amen to that Barbie! Hope your Labor Day is blessed and relaxing!

  7. I'm so enjoying studying Ephesians with Hello Mornings. This was beautiful and encouraging, as always. Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

    1. I haven't heard about Hello Mornings. Ephesians is a book you could read daily and still keep gleaning more and more from its riches.

  8. Hollyhocks and God's forgiveness. Two of life's treasures.

  9. This is beautiful Elizabeth! I went antiquing yesterday and thought of you my friend. I chatted all about you to my friend and told her she would love your blog.

  10. Amen and AMEN! Thank you for a lovely start to the morning.


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