I don't think of my age all that much.
I don't feel fifty six.
At least, not most of the time.
When I'm out on my run I think of my age with pride and gratitude.
I'm fifty six and I can run.
Thank God!
I've been a walker for over twenty years,
but it wasn't until age fifty five that I decided to celebrate my double fives by running a 5K.
I've been running ever since!
I try to walk a half mile, run two miles, then cool down by walking another half mile or so.
Sometimes the enemy tries to use my age against me.
He tempts me to begin to fear and worry when I remember that sixty is only four years away.
What about this, what if that?
He most certainly likes to get me to fret.
He most certainly does not like me to trust God and to have a mind that is at rest and filled with peace.
I notice my age when I first wake up.
My legs and feet are a bit stiff, a bit achey, especially on that first trip down the stairs to the kitchen.
And that first look in the mirror without make-up, why there's my mama looking back at me!
Growing older is inevitable.
But, I refuse to be a cranky, joyless, anxiety filled old lady.
I am determined to make the rest of my life, the best of my life!
Here are some things that I am trying to do to help make my days the best.
1) Stay spiritually fit.
By reading, meditating on and heeding God's Word.
By communicating with God continually through prayer.
By staying free of offenses, unforgiveness and bitterness.
By keeping my heart soft, yielded, pliable and obedient to God.
By loving and serving others.
By staying involved and active in my local church.
By mentoring others.
2) Stay mentally fit.
Don't be mentally lazy and slothful.
Learn new things.
(I've been learning photography the last couple of years.
I'm hoping to learn to knit this year.)
Read good books.
Keep writing.
Keep creating.
3) Stay physically fit.
Exercise at least 5 days a week.
Eat right.
Drink lots of water.
Moisturizer is my friend!
(Take good care of my skin.)
Keep up with regular doctor visits and exams.
4) Stay emotionally fit.
Let the Spirit of God in me rule over my emotions.
Let the peace of God rule my mind and heart.
Keep my thoughts centered on the truth found in God's Word.
5) Stay socially fit.
Get together with old friends.
Make new friends.
Mix it up! Hang out with people older and younger than myself, as well as those my age.
Have people over to our home...practice hospitality.
Stay young by being around my children and grandchildren.
6) Keep having goals and dreams to reach for.
(If there's nothing to look forward to achieving, life feels purposeless.)
Keep asking God to show me His purpose for this time in my life.
These are just a few practical ways I want to live so that I make the most of each day God gives me.
I'd love for you to comment and tell me how you are coping with aging
and practical ways you are making the most of this time in your life.
still following,