
Friday, September 6, 2013

Colossians 1:15...

The Hubs and I just returned from celebrating our anniversary at the Oregon Coast.
Whenever I look at the sea I know that there is a Mighty, Loving Creator who made all of this beauty for us.
And every time, I come away reassured that the God who controls the wind and the waves
is more than capable of taking care of me.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Amen to that, Elizabeth. And what a beautiful image you've captured. May your weekend be filled with the wonder of God's goodness.

    1. Thanks, Patricia. It was a busy, but great, weekend.

  2. Happy Anniversary! The Oregon coast is so beautiful!!

  3. So beautiful! So thankful to get to partner with the Creator God on this earth. Can't wait for heaven one day.

  4. Amen! Being at the coast reminds me too of what a big God we do serve and it is there I can find such rest. Happy Anniversary! Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart

    1. Thanks, Rachel. The coast is definitely on the top of the list of my favorite places.

  5. Happy anniversary. Wishing you many more years of God's best blessings ever!

  6. I've yet to see that part of the coast, but truly, no matter where you stand on shore the ocean speaks of God's infinite glorious presence, doesn't it?

    1. It's gorgeous, Shelly. Similar to the coast of Maine, not quite as rocky though. You should come!

  7. Happy Anniversary! It's been too long since we've been to the Coast....I'm thinking October might be a good time, when our oldest son is "home" from New York for a month.

    1. Thanks, Evelyn. Hope you get some coast time soon!

  8. Love the photo, of course, since I love the ocean. AND I love the Word and the truism of your explanation, expression. YEP! If He can handle IT, He can handle US. That's what I must count on.

    Dave and I have our 28th anniversary on the 21st and, even though we can't go to the ocean from our part of the country very easily, a week later we are heading up to the north of Minnesota and spend a couple days at Lake Superior, which sometimes DOES look like the ocean. YIPPEE!! Can hardly wait!

    1. I'm so happy that you get to have a special getaway!

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Marilyn! The books you asked me about are by Laurel Lee. They are based on her journals.

  10. I love this. I've been teaching my girls that Jesus was here from the beginning, the plan all along. Gives me goose bumps :)

  11. Happy Anniversary, Elizabeth! The scripture you chose is one of my favorites. One of those integral Truths that our spirits respond to every time we read them! Amen!

    1. I agree, June. I'm so glad we serve a God who was and is and is to come!

  12. This is a lovely picture... I saw it this weekend and was hoping you would link it. Did you use a 50mm?


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