
Sunday, September 22, 2013

First day of Autumn gratitude...

Happy first day of autumn 2013, everyone!
Here in Portland, Oregon, God decided to give us some actual fall weather, 
with gray skies, rain and enough chill in the air 
to have to shut the windows that have been opened much of the time since May.
I even got out my favorite wool quilt for a little Sunday afternoon rest.

A new season, like each new day, full of God's new mercies and fresh floods of His lovingkindness,
and grace and strength to face whatever He allows to come our way
and blessings in abundance to count. 
Some blessings will be a little hard to discover under their disguise of difficulty or trial
and some will be blatant, in your face, and over the top, obvious blessings.
In between those two extremes, will be the easiest ones to miss, to forget to count,
the ordinary, everyday blessings...
the air I breathe
food to eat
water to drink
legs that can walk
a roof over my head
a husband to do laundry for
...each one a blessing, each one, in their own way, miraculous,
each one, worth noticing and giving thanks for.


In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-God's provision-thank You, Father!
-learning something new on the computer by doing

-littlest granddaughter deciding she only wants to wear pink
-going to Crema to meet a friend who's planning and and prepping the meals for our ladies' retreat

-a Hubs who's happy with a Costco roasted chicken and a salad for dinner on a busy day

-oldest daughter had to go to the hospital to be with a friend who's having a baby,
so I got to help get four year old granddaughter ready for pre-school pictures
-hugs and kisses from youngest granddaughter
-making "autumn stew" and cornbread and then the weather turning warm enough to eat outside!

-the harvest moon

-Papa making the two oldest grands omelets, toast and hot chocolate for breakfast before school
(they spent the night on a school night while Mama and Daddy were on a date)

-the faithful ones who come to our Thursday night worship and prayer

-a helpful manager at Best Buy Mobile who helped us with a phone upgrade and exchange-
(and we were the first ones there when the store opened so no waiting!)
-the fun of picking out the special prizes for the ladies that will be at our ladies' retreat
-an early dinner out on our "date day" then coming home for a cozy evening at home

-Papa and youngest daughter bringing only grandson to the University of Washington Huskies 
game while oldest granddaughter and I rode along and had a girl day together

-a safe drive to Seattle and back
-beautiful weather in Seattle even though the forecast said otherwise

-the first day of fall
-the presence of Jesus at church today in such a real, tangible way
-a woman coming who saw a flier about our church and God touching her
-lunch out with the older crowd from church, (of which I am one)

gratefully yours,


  1. A beautiful list of the past week's blessings...I need to remember to write them down. I love fall so much and am so excited for the change of seasons. The photo of the quilt reminded me of one I used to have on my bed when I was a little mom made it from scraps of heavier fabrics...I loved it!

    Thanks for sharing and have a blessed week!


    1. Counting your blessings...taking the time to write them down, is life changing. I hope you'll give it a try!

  2. Loved your Fall 'musings', dear friend! So many thoughts coming to mind as I read your blessings. I have much for which to give thanks - and I do! Can't wait to see you soon!

  3. That last one made me laugh. In five years I'm going to be considered a senior citizen at some places! What?! Love your list as always. That's a sweet picture of you and your granddaughter.

    1. I'm an official senior, but I keep forgetting to mention it so I can get discounts!

  4. Thank you for sharing your life stories. Beautiful. Reminding me to get back to my thank you daily list. Blessings❤

    1. Yes, keeping a gratitude list is life changing!


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