
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Friday's Faves...Back to School Mantel-Take Two!

One of these mantels is not like the other.
When I showed you my "back to school mantel" last Friday I really liked it, but...

When I was out and about with my two oldest grandkids the other day,
 they wanted to stop and look at the Goodwill.
Yes, I have made my 10 year old granddaughter and 9 year old grandson into thrift-ers, 
much to Papa's chagrin and probably their mama's and daddy's as well.

They're the ones who thought that I must buy this adorable little oil painting,
and for only $3.99, how could I not agree?
I'm thinking it's the perfect finishing touch for my "back to school mantel".
I'm lovin' it!

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend.

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TidyMomShabby Art Boutique

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Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday

Joining The Inspired Room's Fall Linky Party!


  1. Just the perfect touch...I love it!

  2. I think it is sweet that you get to spend so much time with your grandchildren. I never spent much time with my grandparents and my son rarely saw his. I think it's a shame. Grandparents impart a special kind of acceptance and love.

    1. Yes, me too! A year ago the two older ones were in Africa, and now everyone is back near us. It's a blessing!

  3. I love bargain hunt at Goodwill too! The oil painting is pretty.

    Thank you,

    1. Yes, I love to treasure hunt at the thrift stores!

  4. Love your back to school mantle!

  5. I have to get to Goodwill! I love that painting! I've heard that so many times about art finds at Goodwill and this one is a gem. Love your mantel too :) ~ Pam, apples of gold

  6. I love, love it! The little painting adds the perfect touch.


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