
Friday, September 13, 2013

Hebrews 10:25...

Being in full time ministry for over three decades, 
 I'm certainly all too aware of the fact that church can be a place where people hurt and disappoint one another.
I've been hurt and disappointed by others myself, and I'm sure I've failed others too.
But, I don't believe that gathering together with other believers is optional.
(You expected me to say that didn't you?)
I wrote a guest post last spring, going into this subject a bit more in depth.
If you'd like to read it, here's the link.

I once read a piece of advice that I've thought of often.
When people hurt, fail or disappoint us we need to say to ourselves,
"this just proves that God's Word is true, all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God."
That being said, my prayer is that God will help me to be a healer in His house, not one who wounds others. 

still following, 

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. That is a sweet piece of truth to share, my friend. Thanks for the visit and I love your crisp, clean bloggy place! In His Grace, Dawn

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I'm so happy you like my blog look, too. It's good to "see it through new eyes".

  2. Beautiful post, sweet friend. I think Christians are all too guilty of shooting the wounded, instead of trying to help them heal.

    1. Sad, but true, friend. God help us to be healers in Your house!

  3. I always cringe when I hear unsaved or wounded people express their disgust with "organized religion" and all the other cliches. Their anger toward a person affects their walk with God...the disconnect is staggering.

    The fact remains we are in a fallen world full of fallen people, and it's bound to get messy when we all get together. Christ calls us to fellowship for a reason, and His purpose is so much bigger than any disagreement/quarrel/sin we have with others. His grace covers all.

    1. Thanks so much for your encouraging comment, Jenny. I completely agree!

  4. What truth! We are in a serious situation in or church currently due to this very thing. The problem that I see is that too many people consider the church as "their church" and not God's church. Thank you for this post and have a blessed weekend!

    1. That is sad but true Debby. Just this week the Hub's and I had a discussion that we had to constantly release the church to God since it's His in the first place.

  5. What a beautiful word! And how very true. I am so glad to have read this today. May I not be one who wounds others but leans on Him for the grace to cover.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

    1. Amen, Joanne! Thanks so much for your kind encouragement.

  6. Dear Elizabeth
    As someone who left organized church to find Jesus, I cannot agree more. The reason we meet together should always be that Unity of our Pappa's Spirit; that strong bond of love that amazes the world. I know your heart, but yours is not always the case! Spiritual abuse is the worst kind of abuse that a person can experience. I clearly heard God's audible voice telling me leave the congregation once where I was a member! But now that I am free and delighting myself in Jesus, I have no problem going anywhere, for Jesus lives in me. Christ in me, my hope of glory (Coll.1:27). Thank you for being available to Jesus to bind up the brokenhearted!
    Blessings XX

    1. I'm so sorry that the church became a place of hurt for you instead of a place of hope and healing, Mia.

  7. Elizabeth,
    Love, love your photo/scripture. Beautifully done! I have been the recipient of much encouragement lately; my head and heart are glad. 'Fellowship' and 'encouragement' should go hand in hand with 'church'. It would be a good thing.
    With joy,

    1. I agree, Janet. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave your kind encouragement.

  8. What an excellent piece of advice! I must remember that when I feel sorry for myself after someone says or does something hurtful. Thank you for sharing!

    1. And thank you, Carrie. You are such an encouragement to me!

  9. True words, my Friend. I've been on both sides, but agree that it's so important to stay connected to the Body in church. You have a sweet spirit in the way you address everything so that it's comes out of love. I know God has used you mightily over the last 30 years, and there's much more in your future! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Leslie! I appreciate you taking time to stop by and leave a comment. I am so overjoyed for you and the wonderful answers to prayer God has given you in your two little ones!

  10. This is honestly the truth. Reminds me of what my priest said--don't look to him, he is a man and therefore makes mistakes. Set our sights on the one person who can lead us in the right direction--Jesus.

    People in the church will hurt and disappoint us. But that's to be expected--they are human. We all sin, we all disappoint.

    1. You are right, Kalley! Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate it so much.

  11. So true. We are all sinners--and still we need each other. As I recognize my own failings, I want to be more forgiving, have more grace in relationships. Have a blessed Sunday.

    1. Your desire is my prayer, friend. To walk in forgiveness and grace.

  12. " . . .help me to be a healer in His house, not one who wounds others." Lord, may this be true of me, too.

    Thank you for both the healing I found here, and the reminder to forever be a giver of grace.

    1. Oh, Stacy, relationships can be so tricky, even in church. I have to lean heavy on God to not take or give offense.

  13. it is nice to meet you elizabeth. thanks for stopping by my blog tonite. always nice to meet another pasto's wife:)

  14. It is because the church is filled with broken people that we hurt others. We, all of us broke people, are the church. We must learn to walk in love and extend grace one to another. After being in ministry for over 17 years with the same people, I know full well that I will get hurt, and I will hurt others. I always want to have the river of forgiveness freely flowing where I worship. Blessings my friend!

    1. Where is the like button when you need one. I'm liking this :-)

    2. Yes and Amen. Leaning heavy on Jesus is the only way to not take or give offense as we walk with others.

  15. Sweet beautiful words...I'll join you in that prayer.

  16. So true. Want to be perfect... and have other perfect people connected to me. But reality is reality, and until we are thoroughly free of sin through our body, soul, and spirit when in heaven, we can't guarantee that it's all PERFECT. In us or anyone else. That's my goal. Be as good as possible. But can't be perfect. You shared well. Thank you, Elizabeth.

    1. Just be you, friend. I once heard that the anointing of God is only on the real you. I believe it.

  17. That quote is a great way to look at life. I'm doing a ton of studying on learning to love others with more empathy and sympathy. i truly believe if we all could do that we would love better. Why? Because life would be about walking int he shoes of others more then about standing tall in ours. But you know what, that is so hard when others are hurting you!! It's so hard to step out of your shoes and into theirs to see why they are lashing out. Hmmmm, sacrificial love... it's a hard standard to stand to, but one I'm going to try harder at.

    1. Oh, Lisa, I am all too tender hearted and sensitive, so for God to put me in the ministry where people can be so hurtful is sometimes overwhelming. But, it's made me lean hard on Him, and I guess that's what He wanted all along.

  18. Beautifully said. I love the photo. Thank you for sharing.


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