
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lesson from a vase...

When I went to the Jumping Tandem retreat last April one of the sponsors was Dayspring.
Many of their product were used as centerpieces including this old fashioned style jar vase.
It's the one thing I noticed right away and thought to myself,  I'd love one of those.

Well, wouldn't you know, there were a few of us that hadn't left to go to the airport yet and we were told to take whatever we wanted of the decorations!
And so, because that's just the way Jesus is, I got that one thing that I really loved.

So, why is it, when He notices, cares and provides for these little things, 
these things I could certainly do without,
that I doubt His love, care and provision for the bigger things, the really necessary things?
If He hears my somewhat nonsensical wishes, 
surely He hears and cares about the deep desires of my heart.
And yours too, friend, and yours too.

still following,



  1. Good reminder. Sometimes we lose sight of his constant care when we're in the middle of a trial.
    Mary Alice

  2. So glad you were able to bring back the one thing you really loved. Yes, God is good like that! It's lovely too.

  3. Yes, why should we doubt? He loves us so.

  4. That is just the way Jesus is. Our part is to remember we are worthy enough to accept. Great post.

  5. He's so good to us. Always. Thanks again!
    Blessings, Diane

  6. Thanks. A reminder I needed today!

  7. Thank you for the reminder that His 'little' gifts are just a peek at what He does on a grander scale - and we can trust Him. This was what I needed today! He just provided a desire of my heart - a seemingly 'small' thing - and I know He will provide the big 'things' that seem impossible.

  8. "Because that is the way Jesus is". So true. Love this.

  9. How true! Thank you for the beautiful reminder... I needed this today!

  10. Don't you adore God-gifts? I am writing about one today as well.

  11. white bachelor button mums (white mums are my favorite flower).. a gift in itself.


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