
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Outrageous Grace...

"Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Love unfurled by Heaven's hand
Oh outrageous grace
Oh outrageous grace
Through my Jesus I can stand"
by Godfrey Birtill

We sang this at church today.
The simple words left me undone as the magnitude of what God did to reach down and save me 
impacted me afresh and new.
If this was the only thing He had ever done, would ever do, surely it would be reason enough to thank and praise Him from here through eternity.


In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-while out on a walk, the Hubs and I, as well as a nurse and her friend,
 walking right behind an old man who fell and badly cut his face (so we could get him help)
-playing Bocce Ball with the two oldest grands
-the family all together for a Labor Day bbq

-starting a new She Reads Truth devotional on Daniel
-a package in the mail from my cousin 
-our Truelife Sprouts and Truelife Kid's teachers and helpers

-our anniversary
-celebrating together on this lovely day at the beach

-amazing sunset

-getting asked by a friend I met at Jumping Tandem, to co-lead an (in)courage group with her
{our group is (in)life after fifty}

-thunder and lightning and rain and wearing my wellies
-the Hubs sticking with his healthy eating and exercise even when I didn't

-a safe drive home from the coast
-an upgrade to a new phone without a lot of cost after accidentally "drowning" my old phone
-watching the two youngest grands, (and youngest grandbaby being especially cuddly and snuggly)

-back to beautiful summer like weather after a few fall-ish days
-the sound of a hawk's cry
-flowers from the Hubs

-God's outrageous grace
-great teaching by one of the men in our church
-joy in the house!
-lots of new faces

still following,


  1. Elizabeth,

    I am so touched and encouraged as I read your blessings for the past few days. What an awesome thing to do and it has sparked something in me to start doing the actually document them somehow. Thank you for this post and the example you have set.


    1. It's life changing Debby! It changes your perspective when you start to look for God's hand in your daily life.

  2. What a great idea! I did something similar years ago....a gratitude journal.

    1. Have you read Ann Voskamp's 1000 gifts book? I started my list after being encouraged to do so via her blog, but then she wrote a bestseller book about it. It's a must read!

  3. would love to be part of your over 50 (in)courage group - if only i lived close by. sniff.

    loving taking ample time perusing your posts, being blessed and fed. necessary. always a joy. thank you.

    1. Friend, this is an online group. Follow the (in)courage blog and sign up when registration opens!

  4. back to say...

    {{{. happy anniversary .}}}

  5. You pictures make me hunger for the beach! On Saturday I am going to Carmel, Ca for the day. Can't wait! What a great bubble picture, so fun:) And I am co-leading an in(courage) group too, the Seeing God in Nature one. I love hearing bits and pieces of other's lives and finding things in common! Such a blessing. Have a great week, Elizabeth! Blessings, Rachael @ Inking the Heart

    1. Oh, tell me more about your (in)courage group. It sounds interesting!

  6. Beautiful, just beautiful. Both words and pictures!


  7. Happy anniversary. I love rejoicing in long marriages. Beautiful shots. :)

  8. I just got up from my prayer corner after writing on my own list. I love yours, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I'm so glad you're keeping a gratitude list too!

  9. Beautiful list, and your pictures are stunning.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement on my photography. I still have so much to learn!

  10. I love that song! It's been a favorite for a while now. Happy anniversary to you, friend!

  11. Sometimes, I want blog posts to have "Like" buttons like on Facebook. :-)

  12. Happy, Happy Anniversary!
    Oh the grace that caught my falling soul!
    Your pictures are glorious.

    1. Thank you so much, Carol! You are a sweet heart!


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