
Sunday, October 27, 2013

A lifestyle of thanksgiving...

October is zooming by.
November starts next weekend, (and we will "fall back" an hour).
The holidays are approaching at lightning speed.
I don't have any idea why time seems to go faster the older I get, but it does!

In November i usually challenge my facebook friends to post something as their facebook status that they are thankful for each day of the month, in honor of Thanksgiving.
It's better, though, if thanksgiving becomes our lifestyle.
In fact, it's life changing!
Try it!
In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-the last of last year's canned peaches with granola and yogurt
-this unbelievable run of gorgeous weather

-morning run
-pumpkins and mums

-an evening Starbucks run, just because


-chai tea
-running around our local fitness trail

-making a walnut garland

-a nice evening home together

-our two youngest grand babies over
-an autumn walk with them

-the way our Thursday night prayer and worship always blesses me

-great slow morning on our Friday date day
-God provision to save money from our budget to get a good head start on Christmas shopping 
and His blessing to find lots of good deals
-a yummy date day dinner
-my first cup of hot chocolate this season

-the peace of starting the day with coffee and devotions
-rearranging, cleaning and purging around the house

-being given some of my mom-in-law's tea cups

-early morning texts from the Hubs, (who goes to the church very early on Sundays), 
saying he loves me and asking me if I'm up yet,
 (I think he has a secret fear of me just not showing up someday because I get these texts every Sunday!)
-singing these words, "I know that I can trust You...I lean not on my own understanding, my life is in the hands of the Maker of Heaven"

-resting, trusting

Gratefully yours,


  1. You are absolutely right! Thanksgiving must become my lifestyle. I ordered a new journal, and hope to begin counting again soon. Love your blessings!

    1. I can't wait to read some posts about your thanksgiving!

  2. The chai tea? Yes. And the walk through the gorgeous foliage with your grands is just beautiful. You need to post a tutorial of the walnut garland. Love it.

  3. I love this post, and I love the idea of posting what we are blessed by or grateful for. I am home drinking coffee, waiting for my hubs to text from the hospital....where he has been all weekend with chest pains. Poor sweetie. I love that your husband sends you those sweet messages!

  4. There is so much to be thankful for... also I have to share that I made your soup and my husband loved it and even froze the left overs in a muffin tin, then the individual 'soup' cups can be placed in a bowl and heated up. It worked wonderful. So now all the soups we make are going to be frozen like that.

  5. I am thankful when God brings me through a difficult time and the joy that comes "in the morning"! I am thankful for three beautifully unique boys! For my family, my pastors, my church, and my best friend! I am thankful for coffee and chocolate! I am thankful for God's amazing love, patience, understanding, and acceptance of who I am! And the list goes on.... =D

    1. Start keeping a journal of your daily's life changing!

  6. Lovely post and photos, and good reminder to focus on all of our many blessings!
    Mary Alice

  7. Love looking at your photos & reminder of thankfulness. Thanking God we crossed paths. Blessings!!

  8. Your photos are a joy and thanksgiving for my soul. And why, oh why, is food so often one of my thanksgivings. Hmmm. But I am always so thankful for it.

    1. Yep, I'm thankful for food pretty often myself!


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