
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Beautiful October week thanks...

Maybe this is the secret to staying young in spirit,
 hang around those in the generations younger than you.
This week we spent the better part of three days with members of our church's worship team at a retreat,
teaching, worshipping, praying with and ministering to these volunteers who give of themselves to lead our church in praise and worship.
The youngest ones were still in their teens, the oldest was the Hubs, (with me a close second), 
most of the rest in their twenties and thirties.
But, together we all touched heaven and God touched each of us.
Thanks be to God.

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-sunbeams on the wood floor

-fiery trees and blue skies
-the sound of lawnmowers as the Hubs and the neighbors take advantage of the good weather
-oven fried zucchini - a winner!

-another beautiful fall day
-gathering some fall leaves and berries while out on my run

-middle daughter and her family over for dinner

-baking for our church worship team retreat

-going on a run as the moon came up full and round

-talking and praying with Rhonda Quaney on the phone, my (in)courager group co-leader

-stopping at Sisters on the way to our worship team retreat
-the beautiful scenery on the drive

-roadside assistance coverage when our car battery died
-praying over and ministering to our worship team with my friend
-the use of a beautiful home for our retreat

-the smell of the juniper
-the unique beauty of central Oregon, so different than our side of the mountains
-worshipping together

-driving home another way, with different but equally beautiful scenery

-"our" Mt. Hood

-stopping for a late lunch with the Hubs on the way home
-getting some household chores and laundry done, then enjoying a hot bath and getting to bed early

-an awesome morning at church
-the way the two oldest grandkids greet me at church, (and say goodbye afterwards), 
with big hugs and enthusiasm, (as if they haven't seen me in a long, long time)
-meeting two or our daughters and the two youngest granddaughters for thai food 

gratefully yours,


  1. Loved your thankful post, and the pictures are all wonderful.
    Nothing like having a grateful heart to keep us happy!
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. Replies
    1. After this weekend I need to exist on fruit and veggies and do some extra running!

  3. What a wonderful post! I loved our worship team retreat we had early this year. Awesome growing time! Your list is beautiful...that bread and the VIEW you had driving.... Wow! Thank you for sharing what God has revealed to you in the everyday this week:)

    1. We had some incredible times in worship, Leslie! It was wonderful.

  4. Such a wonderful post. You remind me to count my blessings too.

  5. wow that house looked so beautiful and welcoming. What a treat to get away like that. Your pictures are amazing isn't our 'Oregon' just beautiful?

    1. Our state is amazingly beautiful. Sometimes it's easy to take that for granted.

    2. Stacy, Reading Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts and daily counting my blessing has been life changing.

  6. Elizabeth. Thank you for the trip, your scenery is gorgeous!! Thank you for reminder on Ann's Gratitude list! Keeps us humble & grateful. Blessings!!

  7. I have a wide range of responses to this. Beautiful! Yum! Praise be to God! I love the whole list, as usual.

  8. Jill gave me the idea to pair my capturingblessing with my gratitude list, and here is yours. Fabulous! I always love your lists.... oh those sunbeams on wooden floors.

    1. Yes, it's handy to have iphone photos of many of my thanks!


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