
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall Front Porch...

In the past I may have done a bit more to "fall-ify" my front porch.
Of course, there also may have been times I didn't "fall-ify" it at all!
But this year,  I think it's just right...
not too much,
not too little...
just some mums filling a large vintage crock
and a pumpkin, that had the cutest curlicue stem when I bought it,
but it rolled around in the trunk of the car on the way home from the market
and it's stem broke off.
(FYI, hot glue does not work on a fresh pumpkin stem.)

The large crock used to belong to my daddy.
I'm not sure I've seen one this large before or since.

It's hard to believe November begins this weekend.
October has gone by at lightning speed.
I'm not much at Halloween celebrating other than enjoying the grandkids in their costumes,
 but I love Thanksgiving!
(And yay, for setting the clocks back Saturday night and gaining an hour of sleep instead of losing one!)

Enjoy and savor these last few days of October, friends.
(I saw the first Christmas commercial on tv last night!)

still following,




  1. I love your fall front porch! I love all of decor and decorations, all the time!

  2. Perfect! I love what you did on your porch. Just right - not too much. Love the old crock. I have two smaller crocks in my kitchen. I need to do something 'fun' with them!

    1. Just go buy some fall mums and plunk them into the crocks...easy peasy! The mums on my porch were only $1 a pot at a fruit stand on 82nd!

  3. I love your fall porch too. I think I've said this before but I also love your blue door. We painted ours blue too!! I'm not much of a fan of Thanksgiving! I think some fall decorations on my porch may be needed. Many blessings to you.

    1. Thanks, Beth. My fall mums were $3 total and the pumpkin was about $3 too, so the porch decor was both simple and cheap!

  4. I painted my single pumpkin white and added black'n'white and orange ribbons! Other than a giant black and purple chenille spider for this week, that's it. The leaves from our old maple trees tend to "fall-ify" the porch!

  5. Simple but elegant. Looks inviting. Love it!!

  6. I agree with your sentiments about Halloween and Thanksgiving. I hate the commercialization of Christmas (There have been displays in stores here for more than a month already!) but love its true meaning. Your porch looks lovely--and I love your blue door!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn! I appreciate your thoughtfulness!

  7. Very pretty, Elizabeth. Enjoy your grands tomorrow night. We get to party with two of ours. WOO HOO!


    1. I hope to see all four of mine in their costumes!

  8. I am okay with Christmas being out already ~ it is always an open door to love on people with Grace and Mercy~ nativity style.
    I love your blue door and you are so right~ your display is just perfect.
    We have enjoyed our Canadian Thanksgiving and wish you well on yours.
    We share the same daylight savings and I am so looking forward to one more hour sleep. Yay for the blessings of Autumn!

    1. It seems we share the same gratitude for setting the clocks back instead of ahead!
      Thank you so much for your kind remarks on my simple, fall porch.

  9. Your porch looks lovely, Elizabeth! The mums look great in the crock.

  10. Just the right touch! Like you, I keep it simple too...and I don't do the Halloween thing either. This is my my favorite time of the year for sure. By the way, Hallmark Channel has started showing Christmas movies...TOO EARLY! Have a great day :)

    1. Hallmark is already showing Christmas movies? I had no idea! That IS rushing it a bit!

  11. The blue door and your No. 8 crock are lovely together. I do little for fall. I have moved on to Christmas in fact due to my booth.

  12. Your crock is gorgeous!! My kind of pretty. Looks like it's doing a great job keeping your mums alive. Love to you and yours, Elizabeth.

    1. Julie, I haven't done a thing to the mums since putting them in the crock. Guess I should check if they need water!

  13. We used to always have a crock like that on our front porch (when I was growing up). And then someone took it and smashed it... : (

    I had a pumpkin that I picked because of the curlicue on the stem and my husband needed eyebrows for the pumpkin he was carving and broke the stem right off : ( He had no idea I bought the pumpkin because of the just don't see things the same way.

    1. Oh Jill, I laughed at your husband breaking off the are so right, they just don't see things the same way we do.
      Thanks for popping in. (And no one better smash my crock!)

  14. LOVED this post... shared it on my blog today... added a pic of my front porch - along with the admission that the inside of my house is a mess :)

  15. I need to fall-ify a few outdoor spaces ... if it ever stops raining.


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