
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday's Faves....Autumn Wreath

I made this wreath a few years back,and, let's just say, we've been through a lot together.

It's was just an expensive grapevine wreath with some faux foliage clipped off of Walmart and Dollar Tree fall picks, then hot glued on here and there willy nilly.
I purposely let the grapevine show through here and there.
Then I just tied it to our door knocker with some twine.

After the great fall wreath disaster of two years ago, well, I'm doing things the easy way now!

It's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

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TidyMomShabby Art Boutique

                                                      kim klaxon dot com
Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Elizabeth,
    What a beautiful wreath, and I love the pretty blue color of your door...Happy almost weekend to you :)

    1. Thanks so much, Dolly! Hope your weekend was great!

  2. Beautiful wreath! And I love your blue door. My front door is blue too but a slightly darker blue. Happy almost Friday.

  3. I love how the most simple things can be transformed into beautiful with just a little effort. Pretty.

    1. It was simple, and it's been around a while...a lot of bang for not much bucks!

  4. Simple is the way to go! I love the color of your door :)

  5. Recalling the Great Fall Disaster made me smile - and chuckle! Love the simplicity of your wreath. I need to find mine and add it to my doorstep!

  6. I see there is no jute ribbon this time! Ha! Ha! I love the urban legend you told a couple of years ago! As usual your rustic charm decorating skills are inspiring...although I miss the jute, I mean, jute ribbon might add a nice rustic charm touch!

  7. I traveled back in time to read about your adventure! It made me smile big time as we sound so much alike. There are a lot of rumors about me too! LOL! Beautiful wreath! Door! Home!

    Love you

    1. Patty, it's actually a miracle I didn't hurt myself!

  8. Oh my, how funny. I went back and read your original post about your wreath. As my daughter always says, well you got a good story to tell at least.


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