
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday's Faves...Walnut Shell "Give Thanks" Garland

Happy November 1st!!!
  I know I'm technically posting this on Halloween, but this is my Friday's Favs post 
so Friday will be, (or is as the case may be), November 1st.
I'm not a big Halloween party gal, so I'm already happily focused on Thanksgiving.

Last week I made a walnut shell garland, and with Thanksgiving in mind, hung my glitter Give Thanks letters, (that I bought last year at Walmart), from it.
I love it!
I can even keep it up through Christmas and just exchange the letters for my glitter N O E L.

I first saw a walnut garland here.
(Click over there. Her fall mantel is adorable!)

I just had to try my hand at making my own version of a walnut shell garland,
but being the cheapskate that I am frugal, I wanted to be able to use the nuts while saving the shells intact.
So using the edge of a knife in the crack, I pounded gently with a rubber mallet, and with only a few casualties, the nuts opened perfectly in half.
I then sandwiched twine in between the shell halves and hot glued the two shell halves back together.
(Be sure you are matching the right "mates" together.
I opened a nut, got out the nut meat, and glued it to the twine before opening the next walnut so I wouldn't get my halves mixed up with each other!)
I chose to leave about an inch of space between the nuts so I could hang letters from the garland.

I think a seven foot garland took me about an hour to make.

I'm thinking a walnut shell garland would look adorable strung on a Christmas tree as well!

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

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TidyMomShabby Art Boutique

                                                      kim klaxon dot com
Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. LOVE!!! I might have to make one of these for next year... I think it could work for Christmas too, maybe with cranberries in it too.

    1. Lisa, the cranberries won't keep, whereas the walnuts will is the only trouble. So, if you want to use it more than for Christmas you might want to not use fresh idea might be to buy one of the red bead garlands that look like cranberries and cut the string, using one of the "cranberry beads" between the walnuts...that would look amazing I bet!

  2. Happy almost Friday to you too! Love your walnut garland. I may need to give that a try. Many blessings.

  3. It really IS special, Elizabeth - and being "frugal" myself, I could really appreciate the extra time you spent opening, saving, & hot-gluing them!

    1. Rebecca, I just couldn't waste those good walnuts!

  4. Hello Elizabeth - this looks lovely! Great job!
    Hope you have a blessed day,

  5. I love your garland! It reminds me of all the popcorn and cranberries I grew up threading for the Christmas tree! I just bought a thankful garland today, but I haven't figured out where I'm putting it yet. (It's much longer than I expected.) oh how I love Thanksgiving!

    1. I love Thanksgiving too, Leslie. Your first holiday season with your children...YaY!!!

  6. You have the eye, and the talent, to put together gorgeous decor. I'm just going to keep looking at yours and tolerating mine. Happy Thanksgiving month. :)

    1. Thanks! My house is small and simple, but I do thank God for it and make the best of what He gives me!

  7. I'm glad you posted this. I am looking forward to trying some new ideas for garland this holiday season.

  8. I love this, Elizabeth! I always like things that can be carried over into the next season.
    Mary Alice

    1. Me too, Mary Alice! Things that can be used in more ways than one are the best!

  9. Love it, love it! would've never thought of doing it!! xoxo

    1. I wouldn't have either without the inspiration from the link I included.

  10. Elizabeth - your garland looks great! Thanks for the link - I know I have at least one new follower that came over from this post and I am thankful for each one! Have a wonderful weekend!


  11. I love your garland. It's perfect there and the letters make it even better. You have the patience of Job to carefully pry those nuts open and glue them back together! I'm the one who followed your link to Doreen's blog and decided to follow her, too. Thanks for sharing her with us.

  12. I think it would look great on the Christmas tree, too. And you will be able to enjoy the "fruit" of your labors in some healthy, delicious snacks or treats as well. Great idea!

    1. I agree! A friend of mine is making a couple for her tree. I'm excited to see how it turns out.


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