
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Goodwill chickens...

There's a brand new Goodwill not far from where I live.

On Friday, the Hubs day off, and our weekly date day,
we went out to lunch, 
saw a good movie
and when he asked if there was anything I'd like to do before heading home
I said I wanted to check out the new Goodwill.

So, he patiently waited in the car and read while I puttered around looking for treasures.
When I saw this little rooster and chicken, they just had to come home with me.
I'm not quite sure if they're vintage or made to purposely look vintage.
The glaze on them is crazed and the coloring on them is worn.
All I know is that, while them sitting on the kitchen windowsill isn't ideal for photos,
it's the ideal spot for me to look at them and smile.
(And to also thank God for a husband who patiently puts up with my antiquing and thrifting,
even on our date day.)

still following,



  1. They are so sweet and so is your story! The windowsill is perfect.

  2. They would have caught MY eye, too :) And I have a similar-type of husband. He usually has a book along and urges me: "take your time". So sometimes I do!

    1. I'm thankful my husband puts up with my thrifting and antiquing...and I'm glad your's does too!

  3. My first thought was "He sits in the car and waits while you putter in a thrift store?!" But you know what? My husband would do that, too. I just haven't asked. ;) Love chickens. My kitchen in the 80's was nothing but chickens and roosters. I only have one thing left from those days - painted wood canisters that my mom painted for me. You make me want to go find more chickens!

  4. So sweet on the window ledge and so sweet of a hubby. Yes, I can see why those little chickens would be a reminder of many of God's blessings.

  5. They're very cute! Your husband sounds like a gem :)

  6. I think they are adorable and would very definitely be the kind of thing I was drawn to too. I love that your husband was willing to interject thrift shopping into your date day. Mine dislikes just about any sort of shopping but never just waits in the car. Oh no... he comes right in with me and serves as a big old distraction while I am trying to shop. I can just imagine what he must have been like as a little boy. Now, I am thinking that I need to suggest he bring his Nook with him when we're out together. Hmmm.

    1. Debbie, I do not like it when my husband comes in with me either! He doesn't get the need to wander the aisles, touch things, go back down the aisle again, etc., etc.


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