
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunshine-y Sunday...

I wake up to the view of the sunrise out the window of our stair landing.
Beyond the roof tops of the houses next door I can see the hills.
It's foggy but the tops of the evergreens rise through the blanket of fog. 
 Here and there the fiery oranges, yellows and reds of the maple, oak and birch can be seen.
I drive to church in the fog, but inside the sanctuary as we worship together
 the Son shines on us warm and strong.
There's healing in His rays.
When we walk out the doors the fog has lifted, the sky is blue and the sun is shining bright and clear.

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-asking God for encouragement, and He heard my cry and answered me
-a good talk with my buddy
-lunch with a friend
-provision in unexpected ways

-asking God to order my day, and the to-dos all got done!
-encouraging words
-watching a favorite show together

-spicy apple butter simmering all day, filling the house with its aroma

-Papa and youngest granddaughter having "a date" while big sister was at pre-school
(he took her to buy new rain boots)
-helping at Hope City's Pure Heart class, (a ministry of inner healing)

-helping one of the young gals at church
-God's presence as we pray and worship together
-praying for others

-date day with the Hubs
-the Hubs taking me to a pumpkin patch so I could take some photos

-going to a good movie together

-sweet quiet time with Jesus

-two youngest granddaughters being such good girls for me when I babysat them for a few hours
-a home filled with God's peace

-God helping me to find my gratitude journal that I had misplaced

-worshipping together in God's Presence
-a sweet surprise from our church for Pastor's Appreciation 
-the Son shining on us as we gathered together and the sun shining after church

gratefully yours,


  1. I love your Fall photos! Praying you have a blessed week!

  2. Thank you for sharing such beautiful pictures of Fall!! And remembering the gratitude journal to write into. God bless you abundantly today & everyday!

    1. I was so thankful to find my journal, even though I list my thanks here on my blog, my handwritten list means so much to me!

  3. You have much to be thankful for, indeed! The apple butter in the Crock Pot....well, I can almost smell it! It looks wonderful!

    1. The apple butter recipe is under categories on the blog sidebar. I tweaked it a bit using half brown sugar and half white, and only putting 1/2 tablespoon of cloves.

  4. Loved stopping by your blog today! Beautiful!

    1. Debbie, happy to "meet" you here as well! Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  5. You soul is beautiful and I'm so glad you share it here. Can't get enough of your heart for Jesus.

  6. Beautiful photos of fall! Wonderful post filled with such encouragement! Thank you for blessing me! May you have a day filled with His abundant blessings!


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