
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The ripple effect...

Sometimes the needs are so great that it paralyzes me.
How could my small effort make a difference?

a small handwritten note, a ride to church,
and now even my children and my children's children lives are different 
because someone obeyed God in the small things.

It's rather like tossing a pebble into a pond and the ripples from that one small splash
 keep spreading,
 keep getting bigger.

When Jesus purposely went out of His way to encounter the woman at the well,
His impact on her impacted her whole community.
Through her the gospel spread,
 got bigger.

This summer I watched as a former prostitute from our city publicly made a declaration of her faith and got water baptized.
Her son did the same.
There in the river that divides the east side of our city from the west,
Jesus washed her sins away as far as the east is from the west.
She's only one person in a huge citywide, nationwide, worldwide problem,
but as she was dunked in that river,
 I believe that her splash is going to keep on spreading,
keep getting bigger.

The poverty in Africa is overwhelming, the need so great it can feel crushing when you see it.
But for one small village in Ghana, West Africa, a well, a water tower, an irrigation system,
has made year around farming possible.
Provision of food and income as produce is sold...not for everyone, but for some.
So, we do what we can,
believing that when you obey and help the one, 
 it spreads,
 it keeps getting bigger.

We're going back with a team in February to build an orphanage.
It's nothing huge or extravagant,
but we're implementing a plan to help ten or so children.
We're believing that when we obey and help the one
it will spread,
it will keep getting bigger.

(If you feel led to give to the orphanage project,  there's a paypal link under missions on my sidebar.
If you would like to advertise your blog or online/etsy shop I will post your ad on my sidebar for 3 months for $45.  Click ads for missions under my blog header for more information.
All paypal donations and ads for missions proceeds from this blog will go to the Ghana Orphanage project.)

(If you feel led to help fund rescue operations for victims of sex trafficking I highly recommend that you look into the efforts being made by The Exodus Road.  
They are making a difference, one rescue at a time.)

still following,



  1. God is so good. He can take the small things and use them to change lives. I wonder if God will use me in mission, now that I am out of work. There are so many things open to me now. :)

    1. You have a whole big wide world of things you can do now!

  2. Dear Elizabeth
    I think every journey starts with the first step, dear friend. And it is those little acts of love and kindness that counts. Remember where Jesus said that He was hungry, thirsty, naked, sick or in prison and the people didn't attend to His needs! It is the hearts that counts; a heart filled with His love that makes the difference.
    Blessings XX

    1. Little steps of obedience make a big impact, don't they?

  3. Elizabeth, those before and after photos are stunning! How rewarding!

  4. What we consider little can be so very big in the eyes and hearts of those who are hurting, thirsty, hungry, longing, unsaved--we can not underestimate the far reaching eternal effects of a single ripple--those 10 or so children--oh my, what a blessing for them--

    1. Prayers for this project and all of the details and finances to come together would be so appreciated!

  5. once the red dirt of Africa has touched your skin you are never the same. blessings as you return. we are off to Malawi long term in August - two years to start, but it is a much longer project and we sense in our spirits, life long...

    1. Oh wow! I can't wait to read about and see photos of you there!

  6. Elizabeth,
    What an encouraging and beautiful story about the woman and her son in your town, and the water project in Ghana...thank you for faithfully doing what God has called you to do...yes, one ripple makes a world of difference...praying right now God will continue to bless the work in Ghana.

    1. Thank you, Dolly! God is good to multiply the seed we sow through our small obedience, isn't He?

  7. "It's nothing huge or extravagant,
    but we're implementing a plan to help ten or so children.
    We're believing that when we obey and help the one
    it will spread,
    it will keep getting bigger."
    It is huge, Elizabeth. It's huge for every one that is helped and it's huge because God cares about the one. I've been thinking about this very thing lately - about how there are so many causes and our resources can feel spread thin, but maybe the focus on the one is more impactful for all involved? Thankful for this testimony!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this encouraging comment. Yes, keeping focused on helping one by one is so important!

  8. Thank you! I needed the reminder today that little things can make such a big difference.

    1. Yes, we all need to remember that our small acts of obedience can make a world of difference in God's hands.

  9. Love, love, love the perspective this post gives. I am just one, but I am one.

  10. Thanks for sharing about missions Elizabeth. I have such a heart for international missions, but haven't yet had the opportunity to take a trip. But I am still trusting God that He will send me. Of course, He can do what He wants.

    Last year, I almost went to Ghana to do a reading camp with my pastor friend and mentor Becky, but was not able to go because of our family situation with our daughter.

    However, I think it's awesome what this group does in Ghana.They go every year.... here's the link to check it out.

    Blessings in Christ, Barb


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