
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Deuteronomy 30:19...

This is a photo of my husband and youngest granddaughter.  
Papa was dancing with her in her front yard as she wore her "Belle" costume.
He said,  "You're beauty and I'm the beast!".

When God spoke to my heart to pair this verse with this photo 
I felt the seriousness of the fact that our choices don't just affect us.
What we believe, as well as what we do, affects the generations to come.
Believing God's Word, embracing His ways, and walking in obedience to Him is life giving,
not just to us, but to our descendants.
There is no eternal life, no forgiveness of sins, without believing Who Jesus is, 
and receiving Him as Savior and Lord.
This is, of course, a vital life giving decision,
but it doesn't stop there...
we are faced continually with choices between truth and deception, 
courage or compromise, 
light and darkness,
 life and death.
I pray that we will choose life,
not just for our sake,
but for the good of those who follow us.

Oh God, help me to continually choose Your life giving ways,
and for the many times I've failed and fallen,
cover me and my descendants with Your great love, grace and mercy.
I pray that every one of my descendants would choose the Way of Life,
choose Jesus as Savior and Lord,
choose to live their lives in loving God and serving His purposes.
I ask this in Jesus' Name.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. That is such a sweet picture... treasure it always and give it to her as she grows older.

  2. "I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well." 2 Tim 1:5 - I pray this too. Thank you for the lovely exhortation.
    Visiting from TWB.

  3. "Therefore, choose LIFE". Yes, I want to continually choose life, to give that life away to others. My thoughts and actions do affect those around me. I've seen both the good and the bad. I want His river of life flowing out of me onto others. Blessings!

    1. Yes, for God's love and life to flow to us and through us is my prayer as well, friend.

  4. I love this, Elizabeth. And such a precious photo.

  5. Precious. Priceless. Amen & Amen!! Praying for yours & mine!!! Love how you Love Jesus & encourage us!! Blessings!!

  6. Yes. Yes, this. Choosing for the generations, even as we often must choose to break away from what was chosen before us...

    1. Yes...severing off the wrong things handed down to us and embracing the life giving things, then choosing to pass only the life giving ones!

  7. Your words, "Believing God's Word, embracing His ways, and walking in obedience to Him is life giving..." reminds me of the scripture I was just reading in 1 Peter 1:22a which says, "Since you have purified your souls in OBEYING the truth through the Spirit." How true your words! The prayer hits very close to home, similar to what I have been praying over my children and the generations yet to come. I appreciate how you phrased it.

  8. Thank you. Sometimes you have just the right words that impact me in such a powerful way. They are often exactly what I need at the time. I appreciate so much your effort to do this blog often like you do because it is so helpful.

    1. Thank you so much. You bless me with your encouraging words.

  9. What a gift you are to me. This picture touched me deeply. So tender and precious. Such a visual of how Jesus love us too. xo

    1. And you bless me more than words can say, friend.

  10. What a beautiful photo. We do have to continually turn toward Jesus and give our lives to Him and to others so they know His precious gift. Wonderful reminder. Stopping in from Weekend Brew.

  11. Your photo and words brought tears to my eyes. First, because that image of your husband and granddaughter is so tender. It reminds me of my late husband and our granddaughter, many years ago. Second, I am praying that my descendants will choose Christ. At the moment my son and daughter-in-law -- who profess to be Christians -- are choosing the world over Him. And my precious grandchildren are not being raised as we raised our son -- to love the Lord with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. I appreciated your prayer at the close of your post. We do pray daily for our children, and your prayer encouraged me to continue praying and trust God. God bless you, Elizabeth. (Visiting for the first time via The Sunday Community.)

  12. So, so precious! May it be so, Lord Jesus.

  13. Your faith - that is a beautiful, priceless inheritance for your descendants. I finally picked my grandmother name last - my granddaughter is about 18 months old. I picked my great grandmother's grandmother name - they called her Muddy - and she gave me a faith inheritance that found me and didn't let go! So excited for your granddaughter to have that, too! Thanks for stopping by and leaving sweet encouragement!

  14. What a treat to "see" your husband. I sure wanted to meet him when in your area twice. Oh, well... the day may come. What a blessing to see him and the grandbaby.

    Good photo, good sharing.

  15. This was my favorite from your Halloween pictures. Thank-you so much for your encouraging post. I appreciate you more than you know. God is good.


  16. Such a sweet photo, Elizabeth! Love what you've shared here. xo

  17. Love the photo and the truth of the Word! I see this Scripture play out in the lives of many around me every day. Our choices do affect more than just us!

  18. THIS! This is Lovely Elizabeth.


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