
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday's Faves...Easy Lamp Makeover

My lamps are old, really old!
I keep thinking I should get new ones, but then I just spray paint them instead.

They had a brass finish when I bought them, and then I spray painted them satin nickel.

After a couple of years, I'm bored with the satin nickel so this time I used
 Rustoleum's 2x Ultra Cover spray paint in glossy colonial red.
I love them and the pop of red, (my favorite color), that they add to my living room.
I also LOVE this spray paint!
It covers like a dream.  
I painted three lamps and there's still plenty of paint left in the can.

I've got a little Christmas project planned with the leftover paint!

I'm loving my new red lamps...and a can of spray paint for under $4 is way cheaper than new lamps!

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

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Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Elizabeth... I just love your cute little red lamps! I love red too and am just getting together a post about a lamp re-do in my kitchen. I am all about painting lamps...and just about anything to make it look like something new. Years ago I painted my brass livingroom lamps flat black, wiped on higlights with a copper craft paint and then sprayed with a satin clear finish. Years later, they came out with oil rubbed bronze finish already in can! Oh well, the lamps are still holding up nicely. Spray paint is one of the best inventions...ever!

    1. I'll have to check out your blog post...heading there right now!

  2. Elizabeth, Your lamps are beautiful. Your home looks so cozy and inviting. I love the pop of red. My nine year old granddaughter was here the other night. She said, "Everything in your house is either tan or black." She was thinking I need a "pop" of color and I am thinking she is right. Some red here and there would do the trick.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. It all looks great! I love things repurposed, Blessings!

    1. Thanks, Patty. I love them, too. Hope I don't get tired of them too soon - not sure they can stand another makeover!

  4. Where did you get that cute little red truck that is in the photo? Do they still make them like that or is it an antique?

    1. It's an antique found at a little shop near here. I love it, too!

  5. How well this lamp should blend with the Christmas season! What a lovely change for such little $ and effort! I'll be enjoying our last Ladies' Bible Study of 2013 this morning. Then I'd really like to get a start on a book I have been eager to read...And early this evening, I will be meeting a lady to hand over a couple of candlesticks I've sold via a facebook garage sale site...

    1. Rebecca, You're the queen of awesome makeovers! And great finds, too!

  6. I love your lamps. You are so, so creative and are such a great decorator. No wonder there's none of that gifting left over for me. ha.

    1. Oh, my, I so wish it was true that I'm an awesome decorator, but I do love to putter around the house!

  7. So fun! Red shows up prominently at my house, too.

    1. Red's my favorite color...combined with gray or blue, what's not to love?

  8. I love the transformation! You are a clever crafter indeed!

    1. Thanks for saying I'm a clever crafter...I don't know how clever I am, but I am pretty fearless in trying things!

  9. I love your 'new' red lamps. I've thought of painting my antiqued brass lamps but they 'go' with the fireplace doors and the cabinet hardware in the kitchen and dining room. So, they will stay for awhile longer. Plus, I have other projects to do first! Your home is so cozy. I always love stopping by to visit.

    1. Mixing metals is fine...go ahead and spray those lamps!


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