
Friday, November 22, 2013

John 16:24...

I stumbled upon this support piece for a picnic table washed up on the beach 
when I was there early this week for a quick little getaway with a friend.
Some other beachcomber must have set the piece upright.
Right away what I saw was a capital letter A.

A couple of weeks ago, I felt like my word for the coming new year was to be joy.
However, I began to doubt, thinking I just wanted my word to be joy because it was such a more pleasing, more joyful, (of course), word than the word trust which has been my word for 2013.
I kind of knew that if my word for 2013 was going to be trust, 
then I was going to face situations requiring trust.  
Sure enough, I certainly have. 
 Yet, God confirmed my choice of the word in many different ways, so I was confident that it truly was the word He had given me knowing ahead of time that I would need to grow in that area.

Sunday morning as I was sitting in church I had an inward conversation with God about the word joy,
asking Him if I had just chosen the word myself or if it truly was the word He wanted for me in 2014.
As clear as could be I heard Him speak to my heart, 
"I want you to learn what it really means to enter into the joy of your salvation."
And so,  I'm asking in His name, for Him to lead me on this journey 
of learning to really enter into His joy.

still following,

Be sure to click on the photo below to see how to enter my giveaway of this 
beautiful Ghanaian Market basket!

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. I love it! And I have to tell you while visiting Whole Foods today for a geography scavenger hunt field trip I picked up a Hubert's Lemonade Cherry Limeade. The inside of the cap says, "Consuming this product may cause joy." ;)

  2. Doesn't that sound just like God, reassuring us that He wants the best for us, filled with goodness. Great find at the beach, it makes for a marvellous verse image.

  3. I love the "A". There's a tree that has a broken limb around here that reminds me of an A as well; that makes me want to take my camera with me on my next trip to town.
    It also quickens my heart about a possible word for me for 2014. Praying!

    1. I'm looking forward to hearing about what your word for 2014 will be!

  4. Very clever picture! I love when God speaks to my heart like that. May your journey to joy be a blessed one He leads you toward a more joyfilled life in Him. Have a great weekend! Love, Rachael @ Inking the Heart

    1. Thanks so much, Rachael! So happy to "meet" you here in blogland!

  5. Dear Elizabeth
    This is not easy, dear friend, for entering into our Lord's joy is a life living at the end of ourselves! But we soon learn that living and abiding in Jesus is a life we will not exchange for anything this world has to offer! I cannot wait to see how Pappa is going to work in your life to lead you fully into the joy of His salvation.
    Blessings and love XX

    1. Thank you, Mia. I'm sure the journey of entering fully into the joy of my salvation with be one I write about much.

  6. This is so fine, Elizabeth. Yes, I am praying for the word God wants me to focus upon for 2014. I pray He leads you on His path as I pray for myself.

    1. Praying that He makes the word He has for you for 2014 clear to you.

  7. What a creative photo, and you wrote the verse out so well with it. Wonderful! Not just joy, which, of course would be enough, but abundant joy. Wow. Blessings to you in your 2014 journey.

    1. Thanks, Maureen! I loved seeing that A in that piece of beach trash.

  8. Love the picture. His reminders are all around!

    1. Thanks, Cherri! You're right, His reminders are all around if we have eyes to see them.

  9. Oh I love what you did with the picnic table piece and the letter A. And I could use more lasting joy in my life.

    1. Thanks, Barbie. Praying that God overwhelms you with His joy!

  10. Oh I just love your picture. So beautiful! And love your word for next year. Thank you for reminding us that when seeking that one word, we need to come to God to make sure it's the word He has chosen for us.
    Blessings to you.

    1. Thanks, Beth! It is a blessing to know my word wasn't from my own wishful thinking!

  11. Love your photo and the scripture! I don't often ask for joy, but maybe I should more often!

    1. Holly, I'm sure God would love it if we all asked Him for more joy!

  12. I love that you saw an 'A' in that piece!
    'Joy' is a powerful word! I've been asking for more joy in my life lately, too :)

    1. I pray that God does fill you, flood you, overwhelm you with His joy!

  13. Beautiful!! Love that A and all you put with it. Made me joyful today as I am down with the Type A flu...Day 5 :( boo! I choose to be joyful, and thankful, in all things. I am thankful when my fever goes down!! Yay! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Boo about the type A flu! I pray for you to be healed and whole and overwhelmed with God's joy!

  14. Love love love this A & your beautiful blog about your word for next year!
    Abundant joy into your new year!

    1. Thanks so much Carol! You're a blessing to me!

  15. How beautiful. I really enjoyed reading your post.

  16. I LOVED the photo! How creative. Thinking so beautifully. Made me smile. And miss you much... especially in creativity. Sure would have loved to spend more time traveling around and about with you. Always a treat!

  17. Love the clever graphic! ;)

  18. A short response (my husband and children come back from service in the church) I love what you write and we will search and find the joy in Him. He is our joy. Do not be afraid for 2014. He is already there, He's waiting for us.


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