
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Making thanks giving a habit...

It was before Ann's book, One Thousand Gifts was published.
She wrote about counting God's gifts on her blog and encouraged us to count our blessings too.
I started in 2009, in a little green journal.
I filled that up and am now counting my thanks in my little black journal.
It really is a renewing of the mind,
a transformation in the way I see my life and circumstances,
a life changing, or maybe more accurately a me changing,
habit to form.
It's Thanksgiving month.
Why not join us and make daily thanks giving a habit?


In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-got a lot done today!
-delicious pot roast dinner at youngest daughter's
-all of us walking to Starbucks afterwards
-seeing a young family we haven't seen in a long time and their new baby

-God's faithful provision
-frosty night, sunny day
-some happy news!

-an unexpected blessing
-talking to and praying with my sister on the phone
-finding a "just the perfect thing" Christmas present for oldest granddaughter
-eating leftovers for dinner that were actually yummier than the first time around

-car troubles, thank God the Hubs made it to the repair shop
-remembering and singing, "I know that I can trust You...
my life is in the hands of the Maker of Heaven" when tempted to worry and fear
-grandkids in costumes

-great prayer time at church

-only grandson okay after getting hurt at school and going to the ER
-oldest granddaughter making 46 baskets in a "HOOP-A-THON" fundraiser at her school...
(I might have been a bit pessimistic about her abilities and pledged a bit high thinking at the most she'd make 10 baskets...I could only laugh when she told me!)
-dinner and games and lots of laughter with friends

-car repairs not as much as we thought
-thrifting with youngest daughter and a friend
-setting the clock back, getting an extra hour of sleep

-new faces at church, God is doing a new thing
-going out for BBQ with friends and the two oldest grandkids
-time with the whole family at our oldest daughter's

gratefully yours,


  1. Finding the blessings in every little thing brings such joy and it's always reflected in your Monday posts. Thank you for always sharing.

  2. Your pics are amazing, Elizabeth. I'm close to 2,000 in my count. Can't believe how life-changing this process is!!


    1. I agree! Gathering gratitude is amazing and life changing! Re. the photos of my grandkids...sometimes things just click and I love the photos and other times I'm frustrated at the results! But, I try, try again!

  3. Thank you for the reminder. I have a Journal Book I started November 1st. I kept meaning to do this last year & now I will just do it!! Precious photos! Blessings!

  4. What blessings! We are rejoicing in God's faithfulness and provision. I love His unexpected 'surprises' and I love the way He gently provides much to be thankful for in the quiet routine of every day.

    1. I am so happy that you are seeing answers to prayer, my friend!

  5. So much to be thankful for. Those grandkids are adorable! We were blessed to see a few of ours on Halloween as well. Such joy!

  6. We always called it our "Happy List," and they can truly be life changing. A grateful heart is a happy heart.

    1. Yes, Dayle, a grateful heart IS a happy heart...I think I need to make a sign of that!


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