
Friday, November 15, 2013

Psalm 23:2-3...

"Still waters run deep. Nothing more noisy than an empty drum. That silence is golden indeed in which the Holy Spirit meets with the souls of his saints. Not to raging waves of strife, but to peaceful streams of holy love does the Spirit of God conduct the chosen sheep. He is a dove, not an eagle; the dew, not the hurricane. Our Lord leads us beside these "still waters;" we could not go there of ourselves, we need his guidance, therefore it is said, "he leadeth me." He does not drive us. Moses drives us by the law, but Jesus leads us by his example, and the gentle drawing of his love.

 "He restoreth my soul." When the soul grows sorrowful he revives it; when it is sinful he sanctifies it; when it is weak he strengthens it. "He" does it. His ministers could not do it if he did not. His Word would not avail by itself. "Herestoreth my soul." Are any of us low in grace? Do we feel that our spirituality is at its lowest ebb? He who turns the ebb into the flood can soon restore our soul. Pray to him, then, for the blessing—"Restore thou me, thou Shepherd of my soul!"  Charles H. Spurgeon

Be sure to click on the photo below to see how to enter my giveaway of this beautiful Ghanaian Market basket!

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. On the way to school in the morning, each boy either reads scripture or leads us in the Lords Prayer or the 23 Psalm - and it is balm to my soul each morning to know that He leads me beside still waters! We talked about shepherding this morning - one son not wanting me to remind him about school work - and how God doesn't boss us - He encourages us, reminds us. Your photo is so refreshing - reminding me to make sure I live it when I hear it! Thanks Elizabeth!

    1. Oh, Maryleigh, first of all, I LOVE the way you spell you name! Secondly, I love your ideas for the school run! I'm past that stage, but do have to help take the grandkids to school once in a while. Bless you bunches!

  2. My love for the words and insights of Charles Hadden Spurgeon are legendary around here. He just seems to hear exactly what the Holy Spirit speaks to me in every passage. This is beautiful, and I love the part about Moses leading by the law and Jesus by example.

    I feel the need to tell you how much YOU lead by example as well. Well done.

    1. Oh, Debbi, you encourage me so. I'm sure missing your blog posts!

  3. Dear Elizabeth
    If we look at the way sheep are herded in this age by driving them from behind, we sometimes fail to see how the shepherds of old walked in front of His sheep. His sheep knew him and trusted him to lead them to green pastures and quiet waters. Oh, that we would allow Him always to lead us and restore us.
    Blessings XX

  4. He is a dove, not an eagle; the dew, not the hurricane. Love this. It is too easy to think salvation must come through strength. But in His gentle way God is more strong than anything.

  5. You just put the right stuff on for me now. Yes, He is my Leader, and I need to hold back a bit and wait on Him. Filled with discouragement right now, so this was a good reminder. Thank you so much, Elizabeth.

  6. C.S. Lewis had a wonderful relationship with the Lord.. It is so evident in his writings.. Sometimes I have to reread so I can really hear what his heart is saying....Love this! He is all we need.....Not forceful...loving us just because..that is powerful!!! Blessings!

  7. Oh my. Thank you for this. Visiting from Deidra's today.

    1. So glad you visiting from Deidra's! Thank you for your kind comment.

  8. Thank-you, Elizabeth.


  9. There is so much solace in Psalm 23. Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth!

    1. And thank you for coming by and for your kind comment!

  10. Water for my weary soul. thank you!

  11. Elizabeth, thank you for unpacking this beautiful Psalm for us in a fresh way this weekend. I love that old hymn, "He Leadeth Me." Your post brought it to mind tonight. Hugs


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