
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reaching 4000 and still counting my blessings...

I've reached and passed the four thousand mark in counting my blessings.
It was due to Ann and her blog that I began gathering my gratitude in the fall of 2009,
 first in a little green journal that I filled, and now in a black one, half full.
That was before Ann's One Thousand Gifts was released and the message of how giving thanks to God is life changing spread like wild fire.
Four thousand thanks, and I've barely scratched the surface of God's blessings in my life.
So, I'll keep counting, keep writing...

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-Veteran's Day...for those who served, who laid down their lives for our freedom
-a beautiful fall day
-a walk/run by the river

-going to the movies with youngest daughter

-spending time with four year old granddaughter while baby sister naps
-a dinner invitation from a young couple in our church
-three new elders added to our church leadership team

-talking on the phone to my sister
-the Hubs helping me with grocery shopping 

-phone calls and Facebook messages and the way people communicate that they are praying for someone who is hurting
-no rain on my run
-making homemade beef stew and cornbread per my grandson's request, 
(and then him admitting he could really take or leave the stew, but really loves the cornbread!)

-using a gift card we were given for Pastor's Appreciation and enjoying a delicious lunch at a favorite restaurant on the river

-the Hubs making a big Saturday morning breakfast for the grandkids and me, 
(and cleaning up the kitchen afterwards, too!)
-spending time with all four grand babies and the hope and joy of another one on the way

-a great Sunday morning, three new elders installed, and our pastoral mentor speaking to our church
-lunch afterwards with our mentor
-a cozy Sunday afternoon

gratefully yours,

See how to enter my giveaway for this beautiful Ghanaian Market Basket by clicking on the photo.

Join the community of gratitude gatherers here...


  1. I recently passed 4000 in my list, too!

    I'd love to plan a time to meet you....we're too close to just be internet acquaintances!

    1. Congrats on reaching this milestone, Jill. YES about meeting...I will need to come your way for a hair appointment after Thanksgiving. I can let you know when and maybe we can meet then.

    2. sounds good! fiddlejill (at) outlook (dot) com

  2. So much to be thankful for! I need to get back to writing mine down!

    1. Yes, writing them down and blogging about them is a blessing because it's a continual reminder of all His goodness.

  3. Congratulations on the 4000 mark. It amazes me how much counting has changed my life. I know you feel the same effect. Congrats on the little bun in the oven as well ;-)

    1. Oh Lisa, we are overjoyed about our new miracle grand baby on the way. And yes, writing down my thanks has made a huge difference in my life.

  4. So, so special. And what joyful photos!


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