
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

An Advent Idea...

This is the first year that I've actually celebrated Advent in the traditional way,
tracing the foretelling of the birth of Christ through the Bible using 
Ann Voskamp's beautiful book, The Greatest Gift.
(Though I'm very familiar with the fact that the whole Bible points to Jesus.)

In Ann's book is a code to download ornaments you can make for a Jesse tree,
referring to the passage in Isaiah 11:1 of the Messiah's coming from the root of Jesse, 
King David's father.

A few years ago I did a different take on a Jesse Tree or Branch, as I called it, 
which you can see here.
I used a branch and counted to Christmas by adding one of the names/titles of Jesus 
for every day of December through the twenty-fifth.

Jesus -Matthew 1:21 
Savior-1 John 4:14 
Son of God- Luke 1:32-35 
Son of Man-Matthew 18:11 
Redeemer-Job 19:25 
King of Kings -1 Timothy 6:14-15 
Lord of Lords-1 Timothy 6:14-15 
Bread of Heaven-John 6:51 
I Am-Exodus 3:14 
Alpha and Omega-Revelation 1:8 
The Word- John 1:1 
The Way, The Truth, The Life- John 14:6 
Lamb of God- John 1:29 
The Door- John 10:7-10 
Good Shepherd-John 10:11 
The Deliverer-Romans 11:26 
Friend-John 15:15 
My Beloved-Song of Solomon 7:10 
Bridegroom-Isaiah 62:5 
Faithful Witness- Revelation 1:5-6 
My Righteousness-1 Corinthians 1:30 
Wisdom of God-1 Corinthians 1:30 
Lion of Judah- Revelation 5:5

On the front of the tag is written the name/title, 
and on the back is the scripture reference where the name is found.

This year, instead of a branch, I have a wee little tree placed inside an old enamelware pitcher.
And while I'm following along through Advent with Ann's book,
 I'm still still doing my own version of a Jesse Tree.

So whether you use Ann's book and ornaments or this idea,
it's not too late to join in and make your countdown to Christmas, Christ centered.

still following,

Be sure to click on the photo below to see how to enter my giveaway of this beautiful Ghanaian Market basket!

I'm linking at some of these wonderful places...



  1. I was wondering where you got your Advent candles on the window sill? I really like that idea.

  2. I love this idea to help celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!!
    Mary Alice

  3. I find the ornaments to be a distraction to me, so I'm doing without them this year. BUT....I found a great idea on Pinterest that is similar to your name make a garland with the names of Jesus on it and corresponding scripture on the back. I am hoping to make it this week and hang it around one of our windows.

  4. Elizabeth. Thank you for all your information. I was unable to buy Ann's book. This is wonderful. I have my advent candles. Blessings~

  5. Elizabeth, I've been reading Ann's book, too, and have seen your posts on FB with shots of each page.......there are so many wonderful things to underline, it's hard to know where to stop!
    I like your Jesse Tree idea with the names of Jesus. Gonna copy that and think about it.......thank you!

  6. Thank you for inspiring us to keep Jesus the center of this holy season. Sooo many distractions, but I will be keeping my eyes (and heart) open to the blessings and miracles around me. God bless you and your family and merry CHRISTmas.

  7. This is a lovely idea, Elizabeth!

  8. Lovely! I am reading the book as well; it is timely for me on many levels. I don't have a Jesse tree or even a branch, but I am thinking of a sketch....just to see if I could do it.


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